Saturday, June 13, 2020


The freedom to be imperfect!
Enjoy the freedom found in nature!

This is from Boundary Park.

To download my pictures from my camera I have to do a lot of trying different things but in the end  i do not know why it finally works. 
When we returned from Carol and Panteli's dad saw a white bird fall from the sky and land with a big thud.  A beautiful white bird that was meant to be free flying in the clouds above.  In the morning I created a shallow grave and covered it up with dirt and leaves.  It was sad.

"St. Paul wrote the words that our freedom brings responsibility to serve one another so that every life can find meaning and purpose.

Yesterday morning it was raining so hard Spenser and I did not do our early morning walk.  Instead I used my energy to clean and tidy up the house.  It cleared up a bit but it was a struggle to go for his walk.  Live and learn.

Last night we started watching Net Flicks and an inner voice told me it was not good for me.  I had a bad night with paralyzing dreams that made me afraid to close my eyes,  Live and learn.

We have been staying home and not going shopping or visiting.  We did this because we were told it would help us to be healthy and our children agreed.  We were lucky they bought us food and delivered it.  You could also order on line.  We could learn to that too.

We have watched the marches around the world as people joined in solidarity with the injustice and inhumanity that black and brown and poor people have faced.  We are realizing that this is a problem in Canada especially with the Natives.  We have turned a blind eye to this.

All lives matter.

Live  in the freedom you already have.  Jesus gave his life so that we could be set free.  There is another kingdom that gives all life meaning and purpose.  He invites us to join in the feast that feeds the soul.


Steady-as-rain said...

I am no fan of scary movies either. I woke up at 4 am because my back (possibly my liver) was sore.

It is interesting that Paul wrote those words without ever having met Jesus, and without ever having read the Gospels, which were written after his death.

So more of my tests have dribbled via the interior health web page. Don't know how I lived without it before! About 45 different tests - the kidney clinic isn't messing around.

Having a dog in the Vancouver area that doesn't like to go out in the rain might be a bit of a problem.

Hopefully Victoria Beach where Nancy-Lou lives won't get too many visitors from the city.

It is really rainy here. Most rain I can ever remember. And rather cold too.

I will call tomorrow and see how everyone is doing.



beth bennett said...

Dear Rick
Well it is time they get serious.

I am glad you are getting a copy of the results.

Yes Spenser is a little spoilt and very stubborn but very loving and cute.

Good to talk to you to-morrow.

Will watch Heart beat tonight.

Love mom

beth bennett said...

Paul comes across as more legalistic at times.

He does have the essence of the message of Jesus.

I am still learning

Love mom

Sandra said...

I gave spent the morning working on my affidavit for Mary. Very stressful and I am not half done. I will go putter in the garden now to shake some of that off. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Very difficult Sandra
You want it just right.

Enjoy your garden.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, I will watch Heartbeat tonight.


nancy-Lou said...

Freedom..not much of that around here today...people are pouring out of the city in droves and acting like some of the permanent residents call them, idiots. Actually a sad day. There was a boat that capsized and one person brought to shore dead, three more with severe hypothermia and one still missing. It was very windy today. The search and rescue planes are looking now for the body.

I don't think we in Manitoba receive a copy of the test results from the labs etc. Perhaps if we requested it we could get them. I am having nuclear heart scans next week and I will ask them. I hope that Rick gets some answers and he feels better soon.

Spenser sounds like a cute little fellow. Could you post some photos of him Beth? I can't post any on your blog but you can see some on my facebook page of Pedro. He looks pretty spiffy right now because he visited the groomer and has a jaunty moustache. She clipped his eyebrows too short though...they look so cute when they are long. He is beautifully marked, I guess that is why he was a stud dog for a breeder for 3 years. His personality is amazing. very sweet and loving and he talks to us...and does figure eights when he is excited. He is a miniature Schnauzer. We have had him since Sept 23. He is 5.

tomorrow I have a client coming to pick up an original painting. It has been difficult to sell paintings with this virus thing...all shows are cancelled. I haven't been able to teach either. Music or art. I am going to make a you tube video for my students.

Well it is good to know that you and Larry are staying safe...that is what one needs to do these days. Stay home or Wear masks when going out and using a lot of hand sanitizer. I am not worried about going to the hospital for tests because they are so cautious about screening people.

I wish you a good nights sleep and send love to all,

beth bennett said...

So good to hear from you
and how things are going.

It is a sad world
with the virus and the injustices and lack of freedom
in Canada and in the States. World wide protests are continuing.

Yes we have a lot of pictures of Spenser.

He rules the house now! Ha ha

That is a worry going to the hospital.
I hope all goes well with your tests.

Welcome back Nancy!

Love Beth