Monday, August 10, 2020


                   How are we doing in spite of our health challenges?  Old age is a challenge in itself.

We worry about each other naturally.  Dad goes back to the eye doctor today.  He is a man of few words but he and dad get along well.  We are so glad the surgery is over.  Stomach problems continue.

We continue to worry about Spenser as he may have had a stroke.  He will need a better check-up.

We all enjoy our visit over to see Randy and Sandra.  Very sad to come home and receive the news Randy's dad has passed away.  We know these things are coming but still hit us hard.  Family relationships may not always be perfect but they are so very important.

I am coping even though I get tired easily.  I am having a Myocardial perfusion imaging test on Tuesday.  It is to check my heart.  I have had some chest pain.  I am not looking forward to this test.
No caffine and no food.  Good it is first thing in the morning.

Day by day  I try to appreciate what went well.  My walk with Spenser.  Our visit with Sandra and Randy.  I made myself some muffins.

"It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension  of life opens up."
-Echart Tolle.

Appreciate the goodness in your heart and soul.
Accept your imperfections.
Keep life simple.
My challenge for today.


Anonymous said...

How is Spencer doing with the stairs today?

I was speaking with Randy's aunt Helen and she said dad's stomach issues happen with diabetes, as does peripheral nephropathy so makes one wonder how valid any tests he has had are. Or when was the last time he had a diabetes test?


beth bennett said...

Good question.
I phoned and got him a phone appointment for to-morrow at 1.

This has gone on too long.

Thanks Sandra.

Love mom

Also talked to the nurse at the vets.

Told her it might be a stroke.

He gets a shot on Sat.

Dad does not want him to take any more pills.

How is Randy? Stupid question.

Love mom

Ken Bennett said...

I did say check for diabetes and Dad said he had checked , but that was two years ago.
Brittany bought a new house , an apartment on the 9th floor in Brisbane city . She is busy with work .Her boyfriend is a nice guy .

Sandra said...

Did you get an appointment for Spencer with the vet?

beth bennett said...

I have a lot on my mind. Worried about the morning.

We are going to see how he is.

He is improving.

Good news about Brittany.

Love mom