Saturday, August 8, 2020


                                                One lonely bird sits on his rock.
                                                   He is surrounded by all the little duck families.

Dad gave me a last hug as he went bravely out the door with Carol off to get his eye surgery.  He was feeling very anxious and no wonder his blood pressure was high when he got there.

I wanted very much to go with them but dad advised against it as did Sandra.  I felt very alone.  I tried to read .  I tried to pray.  I was so happy when the phone rang and Jane was able to share my worries.  We have gone through difficult times together.  Now we hug each other through the phone.

Later in the day another friend Mary also phoned.

Dad and I now start our day by giving each other a big hug.

People give hugs in different ways.
Our neighbors Core and Natasha bring over huge pieces of the best chocolate cake.
Dad has a piece when he comes back home, after his beef soup.
Little things can be a comfort.

Dad watch a bit of the hockey game.

Spenser follows dad around when he gets home.

Then it is time for his last walk of the day.
His presence reminds me that God's presence is also with us all.

Prayer is a time to be silent and let God give us a hug.

"Do not be be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God
Is with you where ever you may go.  Joshua 1:9

Scripture can also be a comfort.
The beauty of nature.

Dad is still sleeping.  He woke up in the night with a very bad dream.  He shared it with me and fell back asleep.


Sandra said...

Well, dad seems to have a great capacity for healing so I hope this time is no different.

beth bennett said...

Yes we feel hopeful!

Ken Bennett said...

How is Spenser ? I'm sure dad saw the end of the game on the news by now . It was a great finish. Great that you got some broth for dad its very healthy and easy to warm up .
I spoke to Tyler about his wedding , its still going ahead , we may be the only members of the family that may miss out . The wedding is 10 Oct our stage 4 lock down ends 13 Sept , then we drop back to stage 3 !!!

beth bennett said...

Spenser had a shot for pain.
He gets another one in a week.
He can not go up or down stairs.
May be stiff joints.
It is difficult for us to carry him up and down stairs
and also outside.
We are hopeful.

Sorry about Tyler's wedding.
Disappointing for you guys.

Dad is wearing his eye patch to-day
and is coping okay.

Love mom