Wednesday, August 12, 2020



                                  Good people put a bench by the sidewalk for others to rest!

In general we worry too much about what can go wrong and not enough appreciating what goes right,

Everyone was so kind to me at the x-ray place.  They were so very cheerful and said they looked forward to seeing me on Thursday for the same routine only with the tread mill.  I feel as long as I do not go back-ward I am doing okay.

I was finished in good time and sat outside in the sunshine to wait for dad.  Dad was at home waiting for a call to come and pick me up.  I finally asked this elderly man to phone dad and tell him I was ready and waiting.  He was a real gentleman.

I was very tired when I got home and even a rest did not seem to help.  I decided to go to the Safeway for something for supper.

I fell on my way as I missed the step up.  Four people immediately came to help me.  Very kind good people.

Eric a fellow dog walker stops by to see how dad is doing.

I only scraped my knees which was go.  No broken bones.  I am learning how to fall gracefully.  Dad put a bandage on one and then made supper.  He is good too.

Dad had a good talk with his doctor on a phone visit and will have an appointment with a specialist next.  I am glad I finally phoned andgot him this appointment with his family doctor.

We are so happy Spenser is doing better and can go up the stairs now.  He still has to be carried down.

We go for our evening walk and meet my neighbor who runs into her house to get Spenser a better holder not a choke chain.

She also offers to cut my hair.  I was very kind to her when we first moved in and she has never forgotten it.

No good news from Rick yet.  He is waiting for an appointment in Sept.

It turned out to be a good day after all!  Understanding and Kindness is a great healer when we feel a little negative!


Sandra said...

You had a choke chain on Spencer? What about all his halters you have?

No day is complete without someone falling at your house.

beth bennett said...

Spenser is very good.

I go the way he wants to go.

That is an exaggeration Sandra.

Steady-as-rain said...

It is worrying, to say the least, to have you falling about the streets of North Delta. It seems to me you really need somebody living with you to do the shopping, etc. And, of course, this is only going to get to be more of a need as time goes on, especially if you want to stay living in your own home, which in many ways is a good idea.

I have been feeling not very well the last few days. Next big test is on September 10th. I will try and call on the weekend. My job continues to be very interesting in terms of the topics coming up, but there is no sign that we are getting internally organized, so nothing is getting done, so far. It is my personality to get restless when nothing is getting done.



Kim or Hamlet said...

Good thing people came to help after your fall. Hope some helpful news comes out of the myocardial tests. Be a good gramma and continue doing your xrays and treadmills check ups. Love Kim

Ken Bennett said...

Six months ago walking into work at 3am , i missed the step like you did mum , I fell and nearly broke my arm .So glad all your falling practice is paying off . Canucks game on today!
I hope the series goes 7 games . Ken

beth bennett said...

Yes Ken that can happen to any of us.
I was extra tired.
I want to do some shopping on my own or dad drives me over.
Yes we want to stay here if we can.

Dad has to get healthy.

Rick it is hard to be patient that is true for me too.

Love mom

Shandel said...

I am glad to hear Spencer is doing better. Did he have a stroke like you thought? I hope your skinned knees heal quick. Glad to hear your tests went well and Grandpa is feeling better.