Sunday, August 30, 2020

How bad can it get?

A good question.


Sandra said...

So, what is the next step?

beth bennett said...

We could complain again?

Ken Bennett said...

Can you use the water samples again to identify the water as natural spring water ?

nancy-Lou said...

Gosh I hope that you aren't going to have to pay to have a waterline repaired...if it is on your property in Winnipeg it is your bill and they can really add up. We have our own well and septic field...not just a septic tank but a field. I only have the tank pumped once a year whereas at Kens we had to do it monthly. He had just a tank...which is all they allow one to have unless you own more than 2 we don't have to watch how much water goes into the flows out to the field and dispurses.

Maybe you need to get in touch with your city councillor if you aren't getting much help from the water office.

Is Larry still having troubles with his back? it must be difficult to sleep.

I have framing to do so will say goodbye till tomorrow,


beth bennett said...

That is a good idea Nancy.

We may have to appeal to some one higher.

Sandra suggested we phone our Insurance company.

Carol and Panteli are coming over to watch hockey,
good to cheer together.

Love Beth