Monday, August 3, 2020


Another little rock hidden in the grass!

They are easy to find if you keep your eyes open.

Dad and I thought catching mice would be easy.  The first two were but not the last one or ones.
I am getting very desperate.  I bought some better cheese just to put in their traps.  We have four traps now and they will all be loaded to-night.

WE did a little work in the yard but it soon gets too hot and we get too tired.

WE  are looking forward to have supper with Carol and Panteli and maybe Sandra.  We need to talk to other people and get out every day.  I forgot to wear my mask when I walked to the Safeway.  I was trying to sneak out without Spenser hearing.

If you are seeking to be open to the Spirit it helps to keep your eyes and your heart open.

"God refuses to be known except by love."-  Richard Rohr

Love is a very human emotion that expresses our deepest feelings.

Prayer has the potential to help us see a glimpse of the mystery that is beyond words.


Sandra said...

Oh, I never called to say I wasn't coming for dinner.

I moved some plants around, even though it was too hot for that. I just always think I will do it in the fall, but it seems to go from summer to constant rain and I never do get things moved.

Mandi and James leave this morning, then the count down starts for our visit to go see Mary. It was nice to get to see Max a bit before he is gone.


beth bennett said...

You have a lot on your mind Sandra.

Exciting days ahead.

Are you and Randy both flying to see Mary and the children.

I forget.

You missed a delicious supper and seeing the new patio.

I did not take my camera.

Cleaners come today.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Yes, both Randy and I are going.

How is dad? Did you call his doctor?

beth bennett said...

Dad is not good at all.

He does not want me to phone his doctor.

It is a worry for me.

I have to plan sme way to tackle this.

Have a great trip.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

The younger mice get caught quickly but the older ones have figured things out more. That is my theory, anyway.

I should call and see what is up with Dad.

I go to the Pulmonary unit at the Kamloops hospital in the morning.



beth bennett said...

Rick. That is good you are getting lots of tests.
It can be tiring.

I feel hopeful that you will finally get some answers.

I wish dad could feel better too.

Love mom

Shandel said...

I hope grandpa feels better. It sure is discouraging and sad when someone you love is not feeling well.
I heard once that mice enjoy peanut butter. Maybe add that to the cheese.
Did you guys paint and decorate those rocks? How fun to find them again.