Saturday, August 15, 2020


Our garden promises to keep blooming.

As a young couple with a bright future it was easy to promise to love and to cherish in sickness and in health.    It has not always been easy and I find now at this stage of life I have to be tough.

Last night I had a bad night having an asthma attack.  Very difficult.  I wonder if it was brought on because of the injection.  The doctor asked me a lot of questions about asthma.  I told I had an inhaler and it was seasonal.  

Dad was up in the night going to the bathroom again.  No. 2 and No. 1.  I have decided he has to go to the emergency to-morrow if nit today.  We both want to visit with Theresa and Mikie and Ben and Morgan as well as Carol and Panteli today.

Dad talked to his doctor but he has been no help so far.  The specialist are all booked up.  Dad always says well then you go to the emergency.  We have to face what ever the problem is.  What if it is cancer?  The sooner one finds out the better it is.  It may not be.  He is not getting any better.  The pills are not helping.

Determination has helped me in the past to push away fear and find out the answers to health problems.  Many years ago I was the one who decided to go see the specialist.  Yes, I was very brave as well as determined.  I was not coping with life and was getting worse.  I know how that feels.

I have prayed and I feel the answer is not to give up hope.  You know whAT TO DO.  DO IT!


Sandra said...

I hope that you were able to get dad to go to the hospital. So unfortunate that these days doctors just want to pass the buck to specialists.

Ken Bennett said...

I hope you got some answers about Dad stomach problems. Cold and rainy here . stuck inside . To Bad the Dr's are using Covid to stop seeing patients. Its the same here , even worse at the moment. Imodium not working thats not good , unless like you said Mum you are not givin Dad enough ?

nancy-Lou said...

I really like your resolve to have Larry seen by a doctor...he does need to have that looked at could be something serious. Yes it is scary but having tests and finding out what is causing the problem and how to fix it will make him better.

I had to learn how to be pro active when dealing with doctors when Carl was so sick. I wouldn't take no for an fact once I almost got in a fight with an ignorant doctor who treated me as a stupid woman..when Carl had serious breathing issues..I refused to take him home and they admitted him. demand to see a specialist...they had one come down to the emergency room and that is who admitted Carl. he was in the hospital for 10 days and they found out he had pleurisy caused from rheumatoid arthritis...he was left with a lot of scar tissue and damage.

Poor LArry,,,that must be awful for him.

Loved the photos of the family around the glad you have them close by and you see them often.
OK we are going for a walk with Pedro and then the evening garden tour with is a ritual!

have a lovely evening and Larry I wish you a good nights too Beth.
Love to you both,

nancy-Lou said...

Forgot to say...that with the increasing numbers of Covoid and the virus not going away any time soon, winnipeg residents are looking at moving to the country and looking to move here...NOOOO we don't want more people here. We like our quiet community...well quiet only in the late fall winter and early spring...but it is a piece of heaven.

Now houses and cottages are selling like gang busters and people are building year round homes as well...they are out here in droves this summer...way to many they arent respecting the social distancing at the stores and on the beaches and at cottages where large parties are held.

We had 35 covoid cases today and a month ago we went 13 days without a case. Hutterites from here went to alberta to a funeral and brought it we have to do into a lock down once again. People, and basically the younger crowd are not respecting the rules.

OK rant done,