Friday, May 21, 2021


A bright blue sky today.\
Yes this is an old picture.

Dad and I had breakfast together in our sunny dining room.  He had his favorite porridge and I was addressing cards.  Dad was not much help in choosing which one to send.

I came home from my walk to hear the news Jane was in Hospital.  I phoned and she was having tests.  She may have a stomach blockage.  She did not sound good but I phoned this evening and she sounded much brighter.

We have had so many good times together.  Ours has been a lasting friendship.  /we remember the first day we met as we were leaving church.  We stood and talked for a long time until we realized everyone else has gone.  My prayers are with her.  I am thankful her daughter    Susan was allowed to visit.

The day became brighter as we heard Mary's wonderful news.  She has full custody.  Yah/!
Happiness bubbles up deep within me.  I read that somewhere and I liked it.

The day has finally become brighter so that also makes me happy.  Everything on my walk looks brighter.  So my eyes are improving.

Sandra wondered why I did not answer the phone and I wondered why she had not phoned!



Sandra said...

Good news certainly does brighten the day. I worked hard all day, first working in the bathroom sanding and getting two coats of paint on and then out in the yard. Still have lots of sections of the garden I have not gotten to.

Don't forget about Tuesday morning.


Shandel said...

We got news that I have the same time off as Cameron. So we are aiming to come out Sept 4-10. Something like that anyhows.

beth bennett said...

Hi Shandel that is exciting news.
It will be fun to see you both.

Sandra I know nothing about Tuesday?

Love mom, grandma etc.