Friday, May 14, 2021


When you are young you dream about your future.
Now I am older I dream about the past.
My dream was to live by faith
and to listen to the inner guidance.

Today went well as dad and I were both tested for the Covid -19.  Young people met us at the door with friendly smiles as they took us into a bright sunny room to be tested.  Yes it did hurt a bit but it was good to have done.  

We had a late lunch so supper was very light.

We had a visit from John and Pat.
sitting on the front porch.

Christopher and Cameron were born in May.
It is harder right now to remember birthdays.

Too many other things to remember.

Dad had an excellent visit with his doctor and a blood test will be order for diabeties.

"Never stop dreaming
Never stop living out your dreams."



Sandra said...

Your blog had a warning yesterday that you had been hacked.

Did you remember to pick up the eye drops or what ever it was for your eye surgery on Monday?


Ken Bennett said...

Our neighbour Pat's husband died last Friday. His name was Eric, he was 92, worked as a longshoreman for 49 years. Very sad, but he was a handful for Pat he was 6'2 nearly 260lbs. Melina has been great at helping Pat. I help as well. Jasmine walked her puppy!
Jasmine won her semi-final basketball game on Sunday. I had to operate the score clock. It was very stressful as the score was 17-18 with 1 second to go. The opposing coach thought the game ended in a tie because I had the white team on the dark score side. I knew I had it wrong from the start but was too scared to try and adjust the clock!! I hope they don't ask me to score in the grand final next Saturday. ( note Melina always volunteers me because I can't yell when I am scoring and embarrass her )
Hope you are feeling better.

beth bennett said...

Should I worry that I am being hacked?

Ken your family certainly are good neighbors.

You are right it is a tricky business keeping score.

Good for Jasmine playing on a team.

Not walking so far.

Love mom

Shandel said...

Grandma. Cameron says to get a virus cleaning program. It will clean virus out and also protect against new ones. Also change all passwords to everything.