Saturday, May 1, 2021



I am okay and you are okay.
We are okay even in our imperfection.

Okay I got one picture downloaded.Sandra and /randy come for a visit on /Friday noon time.
They went to some art gallery in Vancouver!

I am having trouble with my computer and my mouse.
I have succeeded to put this picture on.
I do not know how I did it.

"Perfection is inhuman." 

Human beings were not created to be perfect.
We do not really love others until we love all of who they are.
Yes that includes their  imperfections.

"Blessed are the hearts that can bend,
they will not be broken."
Albert Cameus.

I have drawn strength from the love that others have gifted me with.

Within our souls we have hidden a sacred place that inspires us.
The best time for me to do this is in the quiet of the morning.

It is time for me to cut some grass.
Dad has cleaned up the kitchen.

We have no plans for today.


Sandra said...

Well, lets hope you remember tomorrow so you can put more pictures on.

Randy and I did our running around and then he worked in the bathroom and and I puttered around in the garden waiting for one of our kittens to be picked up. We are down to 3 now.


Shandel said...

Imperfectly perfect. I love seeing all your photos.

Ken Bennett said...

Got up early to let the dog out. I stayed up to watch the Canucks game, that was a waste of time. Sunny and 25c today. I cut the grass before the weather changes again. I hope Dad continues taking his digestion tablets.