Friday, May 28, 2021

Yes Yes Yes!

YES another old one.

Yes dad and I had a good day.

We ate out at the White Spot.

I shopped at Save On.

Yes the message got through to the doctor's receptionist who promised to see that the form was sent.

Yes I put ice on my knee twice.
Yes dad took is pills!

Old age is a time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Time to help one another.
Time to help others with a cheerful greeting and a smile.
Time to let others help us when we need reminding and encouraging.
Time to enjoy talking with old friends.
Dad had a good talk with his old friend Don Uhrich.

Time to count your blessings.



Sandra said...

Did you get to your appointment with Dr Tam this week for your eye check up?


Shandel said...

How is your eye feeling? Do the exercises help your knee? I felt my hip hurting this morning. I know i need to do my exercises too. Waiting in line at the bottle depot. Errands are boring. Hoping Cameron will take me to kiwi nursery to look at some plants and walk the trail.

Ken Bennett said...

Cold and sunny here today. 2c when we woke up. Melina goes to work at Qantas Valet for the last time today. She gets
a week off then starts a new job with Melbourne Airport. We are still in lockdown. Jasmine is still sick,Dr not much use as you can only do the phone consult. I am looking forward to an exciting game between YULl and YYZ.

nancy-Lou said...

So very glad that you and Larry had a good day! Getting out and having fun together is so important.
We have code red restrictions still in Manitoba and it is really getting many of the seniors down. I saw our friends the other day at the post office...outdoors as only one person can go in at a time..Always a line up with the snowbirds back now. They looked so much older and sadder. it has been 14 months since we last saw them although we talk to them on the phone.

The strict restictions are due to people who refuse to listen and just do as they please. they don't want the vaccine and won't go for testing...just show up at the hospital emergency with Covid and then complain because there are so many in the ICU's that they have to fly some to other provinces.

We are busy gardening, planting and getting ready for a hot week ahead. ken planted 8 new Hascup bushes...they bear lovely fruit early in the summer.

we made some new walking trails though the forest behind our house...they are so lovely, especially early in the morning and in the evening.

What are the lockdown restrictions for Melbourne. Ken? Gosh i though you were all in the clear.I am worried that Covid will come out with a mutation and then we will really be in a fix!

We should receive our second shot in a couple of weeks...then we can at least see family, if it is allowed. We cannnot now. Just the people in your household and that incudes outdoors too. Many don't listen.

Well off to get ready for the heat...find summer dresses and clean out the airconditions.

Wishing you a good day ahead,
Lots of love to you both,

Ken Bennett said...

Have to stay home. Can get groceries from store within 5km. Can exercise 2hrs a day. Must were a mask inside and outside. Most shops closed. 50% airline flights canceled. We have more new cases. So I expect our 7 day circuit breaker lockdown will be extended !!!

Ken Bennett said...

Have to stay home. Can get groceries from store within 5km. Can exercise 2hrs a day. Must were a mask inside and outside. Most shops closed. 50% airline flights canceled. We have more new cases. So I expect our 7 day circuit breaker lockdown will be extended !!!

Ken Bennett said...

Have to stay home. Can get groceries from store within 5km. Can exercise 2hrs a day. Must were a mask inside and outside. Most shops closed. 50% airline flights canceled. We have more new cases. So I expect our 7 day circuit breaker lockdown will be extended !!!