Sunday, May 23, 2021


Let your hert be filled with the beauty of life.
Be loving and kind and caring.
Be human 
Express your emotions
sadness or joy
Find healing words to comfort your soul.

Holiness expressed in all the tasks we do 
and all the faces we smile at.
Our faith in the future.

Let strong hands lift you up when you fall down.
Be humble and hones and laugh lots.

Sunday was a special day for our family when I was growing up.  Dad stayed home from work and mom did not do any house work or laundry or shopping.
Roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding. and Pie!
I am thankful for all these good memories.

I am thankful that I learned about  God and His son Jesus at this time.
I loved Christmas when he was born as a baby just kike you and me.
His Mother Mary was beautiful and loved him with all her heart.
His dad Joseph loved them both and protected them from danger.

He did not hide in church behind rules and demands.
He walked freely in the open air and spoke to every one who would listen.

Easter was a time when the disciples felt very sad because they did not know where he was.
Holiness abides in our deepest pain and sadness even when we have felt alone.
Holiness is the presence that heals and restores the lost and hopeless.

I loved going to church later.  I loved meeting best friends.  I loved helping at the Harvest Dinner and the Strawberry Tea.

My faith has deepened during this time when there is no church.
Prayer and Thankfulness help me face each day!

A simple story of God's grace
that lives within in all our imperfections to create Holiness and Compassion.




Sandra said...

Hm, your mom did not do any work on Sunday but isn't making a roast beef dinner and pie and doing the dishes work?

Or did you dad help too?

Kind of a blur what day it is since I took Thursday and Friday off and I have been working hard to get my garden planted so I can leave it alone for the summer.

Randy has taken 5 days off next week so we can work on tiling the bathroom.


Shandel said...

Its fun and feels comforting to remember those kinds of family memories and traditions. I do think making a nice big meal like that does sound like work lol!!
Do you and Grandpa have a special Sunday tradition?

Ken Bennett said...

Jasmine's basketball team won the Grand Final. What a year, Jasmine knew nothing about basketball. the whole team improved so much! Melina really got into the game . She even ran over to the Coach during the game to complain about the score is wrong.

Matthew home with a headache and vomiting. I hope he didn't catch something yesterday at Comic-Con.


nancy-Lou said...

I enjoyed reading about your childhood memories Beth. They are much like mine. especially the roast beef dinner and the yorkshire pudding!

Ken and I were talking today about church when we were young.
He was brought up in a Catholic family in Chicago. He went to parochial schools and was taught by the nuns and then the brothers and they were a lot more strict than my nuns at St Marys Academy. Mind you my nuns were strict too, especially Sister William Henry, the principal.
I was looking at our Anglican church service on Zoom today and asking him about the various prayers etc and they were almost identical to the ones he learned too. there were a few variations, like the Lords Prayer where the Catholics don't say the last verse.
I miss going to church...and hope that we may soon again meet at or lovely little church here. I played the organ and piano there for many years...for church services and weddings and funerals.
Covid is out of control here, mainly in the native population. For some reason many are resistant to taking the vaccine. We are hiding out and not going anywhere for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully we can have the second shot and then things will be better.

Have you and Larry had both shots? How are you both feeling? Is larry going to have surgery on his liver? How is your walking going?
I just came home from a lovely evening walk with Pedro. The Robins and sparrows were singing full tilt! It is rather cool but there is no wind. 13C.

I made a big pot of cabbage rolls yesterday and bread buns. We had them again today for dinner and I froze the rest for a quick meal one day when we have been busy. I gave some to my vegetarian son, I make them specially for him, and some to my other son and his partner.
We are like your family and often share our food!

Ken is working on his music composing. He really enjoys doing that. He doesn't play the French Horn anymore. When he retired from the Winnipeg Symphony he hung it up. He played it for 53 years! But he loves writing music. I play my piano every day and really enjoy it. I am playing a lot of old time jazz songs and songs from the war years. Benny Goodman stuff.
I cannot teach with the Covid restrictions and think that I may just retire! I will still paint with my fiends and play for sing songs. We even talked about a community choir just as Covid reared its ugly head. I have lots of choir experience and have friend who does too. so we will see what happens.Music makes one feel so darned good!

We are getting our vegetable garden ready to plant. Mostly Ken is doing the work of hauling earth and wood chips. I grew some things from seed and am nursing them along until it is safe from frost and we can put them out. We both really enjoy gardening. That is how we started seeing each other, when i went to pick beans at his house...well I knew him from before when I took Tai Chi lessons. He is the teacher!
Check out my facebook page and I will post some photos of the garden. We enlarged it by 50% this year.

I hope you have a lovely evening! Are you watching the Jets and Edmonton hockey game? I am going upstairs to turn it on. GOOOO JETS!

Love to you both and be careful and stay safe!