Wednesday, January 21, 2009



When Stephan Harper gave his first speeches he was attacked for saying "God Bless Canada."
In his inaugural speech yesterdayObama quoted scripture, referred to the "God given promise of equality" and God's grace upon us. I like President Obama and I pray that he will remain faithful to his committments; to his wife and family and to God.

I like the poem where Poet Elizabeth Alexander said, "we walk into that which we cannot see".
It takes unity and co-operation to bring about change.

We all need to continually be aware of things that we need to change in ourselves. I want to be kinder and I know I need God's help. I am glad some people seem to like me because at times I think I do not always like me.That is why I need tons and tons of God's unconditional love.

It was good to have Oliver here for a visit and also visit with Carol and Panteli when they came to pick him up. Our young people are doing a lot of learning and maturing.

Dad is cleaning up his room and took some 200 slides in to be processed. He rode down to the Super Store and back. That is a big improvment.

I tried to walk and met him but did not have enough energy. Some days are just like that.

We are driving on a secret mission!

No news from Rick, is he here or there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work Dad. I like you mom inspite
of your faults.... Love ken