Sunday, January 11, 2009



I am believing that I have a group of friends cheering me on with their prayers. Dad and I had a serious talk about being more respectful when we talk to each other. We have been getting a little grumpy; me for sure. We need to be humble and patient with one another. It is an effort to be happy but as long as we are thankful we can be happy!

Yesterday was a good day. We went out to lunch with Sandra and then talked to all the Aussie's on the phone. We had big fat snowflakes falling from above but it did not stay on the ground. It always is beautiful and the world becomes so quiet.

Today Chris and Leah may come over. I invited all but who ever comes we will be glad of a visit.
It is funny today the minister is talking about the visit of the shepherds another group who came to cheer on the new family.

Thanks Rick, among the things I couldn't find yesterday was my dictionary.

Yes the doctor knows I am not taking the medicine although he thought the side effects would wear off. But I am really trying to wear a patch and cut down and am taking antibiotics.

Jane said, :Beth, you are a conduit for God's love. It is visible in and through you.
May God's hand rest upon you and heal you in Jesus' name.

I am believe with every breath and I am thanking the Good Lord for healing me!


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is always good to be more respectful to your this case grandpa.

But i think it also important to not be so tough on ourselves. And give yourself a break mentally and physicaly.

And to expect nothing but perfect imperfection from ourselves and eachother.


beth bennett said...

Dear Theresa,
There is a wise saying "Behind every story of true love is great patience."

Yes, I am still learning about myself.

beth bennett said...

I have to go and lie down when I feel tired; and pray for the good Lord to take away the pain, and the sadness and fill my heart with His Healing Love.