Tuesday, January 6, 2009


He had to explore every inch of our house. He chased the birds as they flew by the window.
He gobbled up the dog biscuits wagging his tail in thanks. Murphy is a big German shepherd.

This morning as I sit and say my morning prayers my mind wonders back to my childhood experience of church. I would feel so small in our huge church and the minister so powerful in his flowing robes.

My mind would wander to the stained glass windows. I would imagine myself climbing into the picture right upon the knee of Jesus. I knew his eyes had beckoned for me to come. I felt his strong arms and experienced the love that flowed like a glorious light into my being. I was delighted when the birds came to sit on his hand and amazed at the lion and the lamb lying together at his feet. One came with a sore paw that he put on his knee and it was healed.

To enter that picture was to enter into a place of awesome beauty and peace; a place of forgiveness and acceptance. I wanted to invite everyone to come. To come to a place where there where no words but the pure beauty of peace and stillness.

When I feel deeply sad and worried for one of my family I try to bring them with me into that healing light. I believe Jesus heals the wounds of our past and when we leave his presence we have been given new strength to cope with the ugliness that misunderstanding brings.

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