Saturday, January 31, 2009



When I read this, early this morning, I was amazed by how true this is. We try our best to communicate with words but too often we do not understand each other. A negative word stays with us all day and our soul wrestles with the doubts that come into our minds. Words can bless or curse and for that reason become powerful weapons.

As a child my faith was very real to me and still is to me today. Children find it easier to trust and believe and have lively imaginations. Adults seem to want proof and evidence as we begin to search for meaning based on facts. Religion has a language all it's own that can be difficult to translate; and even difficult for there to be an agreement about the meaning of words.

I believe that I am a Christian not because I believe the dogma of a specific church but because I believe that Jesus is the "living" word made flesh. Religious words become sacred even though they have ancient origins and may have accumulated layers of meaning.

We drove out to the Chilliwack airport and had lunch there with Theresa, Ben and Morgan. I had trouble hearing what Theresa and dad where saying so felt a little left out. It was easier to colour and talk with Ben and Morgan. I do not understand all that Morgan is saying but I love to hear her talk. Ben did not have much to say about what he had learned at school that day but most children are like that. They can be very enthusiastic and want to tell you something or else they can be very silent and shrugged their shoulders.

Sandra brough me a video about Yoga and how it can help control pain and even learning to relax is a good help. I will begin today.

I think that words have a quality that I would describe as soul-energy. Soul is the name for "the unifying principle, power, or energy that is at the centre of our being. To be in touch with soul means going back to the sacred source; for me I call that force God, the site of life-releashing energy, the activating force of life, the god-grounds."

To be grounded is thought of as a good thing. To me it means to put roots down into the unknowable and when nourishment comes there also comes the beginnings of knowing.

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