Thursday, November 18, 2010


I find that Fridays and Mondays are like book ends that are free days when I have nothing planned each week.  This is especially good at this time of the year because it seems like there is a lot that needs doing.  I know I will panic when the first Christmas card arrives.

I did not feel like a walk yesterday morning with the weather so unpredictable, but I managed a shorter walk between the hail storm and the pouring rain.  It seemed like a good day to stay home but knowing that there may be someone expecting my Thursday visit I drove over to the Nursing Home.  I was glad I went as Heather shared she was being asked to move and she was feeling very discouraged.  She was sitting outside a big woman in a big wheel-chair having a smoke, a woman separated from her husbamd who livees in the States, a woman with big problems.

It dawns on me how much prayer helps me in my visiting to be patient and understanding.  I remind myself it is not the cheerful words or the listening ear but just my presence can be a blessing.  I cannot imagine how it must feel to have had a stoke or a broken hip or just not able to care for yourself, I cannot imagine how that must feel.

Most of us are fortunate that even when our lives become existentially burdened we can choose to read a book, watch T.V. or work around the house or just sit in silence and meditate.  Silence is a good and safe refuge when it opens us up to inspiration and frees us from even our own expectations of what we should be doing or thinking. 

Laughing with others is a wonderful way to brighten up the day and all our spirits.  I go to visit with a few funny stories from my day to day misadventures.  My wonder cream that would make me look 10 years younger result in a terrible itch that told me I was doomed to carry on with the signs of aging on my face.

Books are an important part of my life and influence my thoughts and my writing.  The book ends also remind me that life is about duty and pleasure and learning and reading.

When I am with someone who is full of complaints I realize how easy it is to go through my days grumbling inside myself and feeling critical. 

Today I am planning to meet Jane for lunch, and maybe our husbands will join us, and then we will go visiting.  Plans may change but dad and I will go to White Rock to Choices.  The weather is getting colder and the rain harder so snow may be arriving soon.  It has already hit many places here across Canada.  Winter has come and it is time to get the boots and mittens out.

Clear, calm, and cold and snow is in the air.  Tiny little snow flakes!

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