Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Dad laughs and I planned, if I don't I will forget something that is important.  How do I keep some sense of the spiritual when I barely have time to pray except on my walk?  It is not about finding time it is about being quiet and taking time to be aware of the presence of the Lord.  I will dig out some Christmas music to help me as I do some minor baking today.  It is my turn to take something to home group.

So this week I will finish the cards, write my Christmas devotional [actually rewrite it].  Wed. is going to the hospital with dad to get his cortisone shots in his knees, which have been so much better, although it seems the skating make them worse.  Then maybe we will drop over to see Shirley as she is trying out the Seniors Home for several days.  I am sure it will be decorated very beautifully.  She was very excited packing her bag and getting ready to go.  I think she has been bored as well as lonely.

Thursday I will do visiting at the Newton Regency but another friend has moved out and although they had Christmas singers there on Saturday there is a coldness about the place now.  At least I feel sad and strange when I go there now. It used to be a happy place even with old the old dears wandering about or sitting sleeping.  I knew the staff and they knew me.

Friday is Tavia's birthday and I have a card which I hope I do not lose.  Our bread knife has now gone missing but dad must have put it in a strange place.  I hope.  Saturday I will help at the craft fair at the church and Sunday we have a pot luck dinner for our study group that are studying Karen Armstrong's book about God.  This is very heavy reading and I have been putting it off.

Yesterday I bought a new red top so that is my Christmas finery.

For now I am pondering how to take an age old story that I love with all it's mystery and wonder and make it something that impacts our lives today.  Certainly the world has not changed in that war and poverty and disasters are happening all around us.

Change is hard for anyone of us.  I will continue with my planning.


Anonymous said...

I can see why you have to plan, you have a lot going on. Bread knife, well they are good for drywall and branch removal, has dad been up to any of that lately?

beth bennett said...

No not that I know of. Actually I was the culprit as I took it to open the card package.

Well, I have had my walk dad is not up yet and it is time to get the flour etc. out. But first another cup of coffee.
love mom

Pinetreeannie said...

Which book by Karen Armstrong are you reading? I have A History of God and it is going to take me some time to slog though..page by page....but I like her writings. Our study group is meeting tomorrow afternoon to start a new study. I will tell you more about it once I know. It is held at my friend Gina's home and there usually are about 8 people plus our minister Judy. I think Bishop John Spong is too radical for me.I like some of his ideas but not all.