Monday, November 8, 2010


I can't believe it is Nov.  This little pond with the running water falling was so completely full of leaves the water had almost stopped.  I enjoyed raking up the pile of leaves and remembering how we like to run and jump in them.  A sunny day feels almost magical, even with the chilly mornings and darker nights.  Yes, the leaves are falling and fall is falling all around us.  It is time to wear warmer things and start thinking of presents for Christmas.

I think about the many people for whom Christmas means shopping and partying and I have always tried to make it a spiritually refilling time of meaning and grace.  As I visited Rosanna we talked about God and the Catholic Church and books she was reading.  Things she could not talk to her children about as they had no interest in Church or God.

I came home to the spare room filled with clothes that needed to be put away and papers that needed to be read or thrown away.  I cut out articles but do not get around to reading them.  Part of getting ready is decluttering the house and getting ready for the magic of candles and the red holly.  Pearle has a huge holly tree that we can bring home some branches.

Lots of thoughts go through my mind as I rake the leaves and enjoy the crisp air. 

Later as I sit to watch our video I feel very cold.  As I wrap a blanket around me that dad has got me I think this is just what God feels like to me.  A warm blanket that covers me and allows the warmth within me to keep me comfortable.  How we view God is of such importance and the wrong dogmas have taken the magic and the compassion out of our faith.  This is the One I welcome every day to be with me!

I also have to unclutter my thoughts and welcome peace that passes understanding to fill my soul!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is suppose to get even colder tonight. Have you mentioned to anyone getting together before Carol and I leave for Ontario?