Monday, November 29, 2010


Most of the time we do what is expected of us in our day to day life.  This brings a stability to our relationships and everyone is reasonably happy.  This tree started out to live a long life and it certainly grew to a huge size but now it's beauty is being a stump.  There comes a time when expectations change and it is time for new growth.  My writing this Christmas is all about change.  Mary and Joseph had their lives completely changed and even their relationship to each other was in great danger  I believe that is was devastating for both of them..

When a woman becomes pregnant it brings new challenges into the couples lives.  Emotionally and physically the woman's body is changing and seems to have a life of it's own.  A time when one needs to be treated with thoughtfulness and gentleness.  This is only the beginning of what happens as a couple are forced to change over the many years that lie ahead.   One day I will be feeling great and dad has his aches and pains causing him discomfort.  We give each other advice but really there are no answers.

A doctor can help find out what the problem is but we are the ones that have to change our lifestyle, by changing diet and activities and expectations.  The choice is ours.

I am reading a funny story about a dog who cause a lot of havic in the family situation.  In many ways this dog rules the young couples lives.  Now they are expecting a baby and are worried about hos the dog will re-act.  But first they have to find a nanny as both will return to work.  After many interviews they find one that seems so perfect shy check her referrences.  They think all is settled until dog meets nanny and has a violent reaction to the nanny. 

After things settle down and they decide they will not be able to hire her a sixth sense tells them to check her references.  They find out this woman was a seasoned con artist with a criminal record.  Fortunately they had found out the truth.  And yes through a friend they did find a warm and genuine nanny but dreaded the meeting of dog and woman.  This time the dog danced around her with obvious joy and enthusiasm.

It seems dogs are a good judge of character.  We can learn a lot from dogs and also from our children.  Both come into our lives with their own personalities and wreak havoc in our neatly ordered days.

This time of year presents different expectations which may or may not be met. 

When I get overtired now I find that I do not sleep well.  This week end was tiring as we stayed out later going to see Stuart McLean with Ben and Carol.  Great fun!  You would think I would sleep in but instead was up even earlier.

I am glad we do not have too much planned for Dec. but a few parties here and there.  Christmas day will be quiet I expect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you did not get too tired out on the weekend. I was hoping to drop by after I did some shopping on Sunday but ended up at Guilford instead of down at your end of the world. Using the face cleanser, so far still look 50 not 40.