Monday, November 22, 2010


A new beginning.  I started early this morning when I heard the neighbor start his car around 4 and I was so thankful to be home in a warm bed and not have to go off to work.  I caught a glimpse of the paper lady and she looks very old as she shuffles carefully house to house.  I would not want her to fall as she delivers our paper.  I am thankful for her and the good job she is doing, out in the cold so early in the morning.

One thing I love about this year is decorating the house with branches from my yard and from around the neighborhood.  There is something that feels old-fashioned and satisfying.  I remind myself if I am feeling stressed it is because of the expectations I myself put on myself.  I am already starting to break and drop things, like my favorite butter dish etc.  I look at the broken pieces and think about times in my life when I have felt like a broken mess.  I also think about all the precious memories of the past that have me to mend and feel renewed joy!

Religion can take the joy out of life or can bring new deeper joy into life with the promise of healing and new beginnings.  The spiritual music awakens the soul and when I balance music with silence I find there is a deeper meaning hidden in all we do as I prepare my heart for the tasks ahead.

Baby Jesus brings me to my knees with wonder as I hear the angels sing for me!


Anonymous said...

Well, after living in Alberta, -4 does not seem really all that could, but poor old Lucy limps more after sleeping out side in the cold.

Pinetreeannie said...

Why not bring Lucy in the house where she will be comfortable?
We live in Manitoba and already are in to winter full blast....with three snow storms in the past 6 days and cold temps, BUT we spend Feb March at Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island and know the temps your having now are really cold. Hope it warms up soon. We are getting ready for the celebration of the birth of Jesus...put up our Christmas lights today and now are sitting back and enjoying them.