Thursday, November 4, 2010


There are a few exceptional flowers that are still blooming.  Yesterday was an exceptionally warm and lovely day that just made you want to spend the whole day outside and enjoy it.  Theresa and Ben and Morgan came and Morgan sat outside and colour pictures and pasted leaves.  Ben played with Lego until we walked over to the park where I played with Morgan and Ben and dad played lacrosse.  Carol and Oliver were suppose to come but just Carol did as Oliver missed his ferry.  Theresa delivered a meal to her sick Auntie and had a short visit.

We ended the day at Bible study because the group will soon be losing two of our friends to Nelson and I know they still make an effort to make gluten-free goodies.  Everything is going so well for Deborah and Lane which is good after both being laid off work over a year ago.  They have sold here and bought there.  They are excited about their move.

Today dad has an appointment in White Rock and then we may drive to see Oliver in Tsawwassen and then back here to take Shirley to the Royal Colombian Hospital for an ultra sound.  Everything seems to happen on the same day but I was able to rest before we went out in the evening.

The memories add to our old memories that we have been viewing as dad changes the video's to D.V.D.s.
We are so blessed to have grandchildren and great grandchildren and every visit is exceptional and heart warming.

I am praying for energy today so that I can enjoy it.  The emotions that come when I see any of my children etc. just fills my soul with such love and thankfulness.  I feel a little like Morgan who leaves tearfully as she does not want to go I never like saying good-bye.


Anonymous said...

Hey, how come I missed out on all of the fun? Why wasn't Ben in school yesterday? What is dad getting checked in White Rock?

Anonymous said...

I think you were at work and plans were being changed mimute by minute.

I was a little confused also.

Theresa took Ben out of school because she wanted to take a casserole of over to Karen.

This all happened unexpectedly when Theresa phoned in the morning.

Anyway you know the plans for today. Oliver is at Carol's and leaves on the plane about 6 I believe. love mom