Friday, November 26, 2010


I find the more you think you know the more questions come to you.

Dad and I mumbled as we set off on a snowy late afternoon to see the specialist.  Just a waste of time.= we agreed.  Confident that if there was any bad news we would have heard.  And we were right.  I had good results on my tests and the only think they found out that the hole in my heart, we are all born with, had not completely closed.  My first re-action was to say "O that explains why I have always tired easily!"  Not so I was told.  Since I had had no problems, one thing it can cause is a stroke, so far then it really is not a problem.  The doctor did not say much and I did not think of the questions I should ask.  I came home with questions going around im my thoughts.  I felt better after we looked it up on goggle.

The doctor's answer for was my shortness of breath comes back to asthma and I should take my puffer on my walk for when I get short of breath.  I have no intention of doing that, taking my cell phone is enough to carry.

My day has not yet been formed although I have several ideas.  I want to read my book about Mary and learn about her role in history.  Dad is right not much is said in the Bible but she becomes very important in the days after Jesus dies.

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