Saturday, November 6, 2010


This is very important to me but something I often neglect in my life.; this thing called emotional anchoring.

 I love spending time with my family and being a grandmother and a great grandmother has been a rich blessing. 

I came home from celebrating Mary's 99 birthday with some of her family; down at the Nursing Home in White Rock.  A very beautiful place, more like a grand hotel..  Jane and I went together and it was a happy time even though Mary looked very frail sitting in her wheel-chair.  There were ballons and cake of course a real celebration.

Meanwhile dad had had a miserable day when his hockey bag, which he was trying to get down out of storage fell down on top of him, and the urge to go and try out his skates left him.  Instead he went off to the store where he shut the back door on his hand and it was a bloody mess.  I came home and he was determined to put up new outside light fixtures.  I would say that we were both emotionally drained and tired and hungry.

Food helped restore comfort to us both.

There is an old hymn that we sing that "I have an anchor for my soul" and although all of life is a tapestry into which is woven joy and sorrow, for me there has to be something that restores and renews me.  My faith and my family are the foundation that do this for me.

My little great grand daughter says to me as we sit outside among the falling leaves; "Why are the leaves falling?"  A good question about something we take so much for granted.  I explain that the tree that has been nourishing these leaves and providing them food now needs time to rest. "Oh" okay.  she says as she gathers more leaves to paste on her paper and then sits it in the sun to dry.

Today I hope we can go to a movie and eat out.  It has been a good week and looking ahead for next week I already have things I need to do.  I have not visited my neighbor in awhile so that will be one of my first decisions.  I may have to lead our Wed. Bible study which I had forgotten was coming up so quickly.

To-morrow I look forward to going to church and just listen and feel the love of all my friends.

A time for emotional and spiritual anchoring.


Anonymous said...

Well, I hope dad has recovered.



Anonymous said...

Yes he has, although you would think we would be smarter in our mature years!
love mom