Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The dark overcast clouds are lifted away like magic and the sun appears.  The leaves that been doing a dance in the wind now settle down quiet and still.
The grass is completely covered in a sea of leaves blown from all directions.  The wind that blows the leaves also blows spiritual beliefs in all directions.
The calming warmth of the sun changes the whole day.  My morning walk had been battling the wind and the rain but now life takes on a new perspective.  In the stillness there is a sense of timelessness and peacefulness.
All of life seems to be like this day, one moment full of struggles a broken tooth, a leaking bathroom, plans for the future changed but all a part of daily life; then you find that where ever you are is where you were meant to be and all is well.

Holiness is being aware of all that is happening around you and seeing the potential for an inner change. 

"It's much easier to find holiness in the ideal of God, the loving all-powerful, omniscient God of the Universe who never slumbers or sleeps; than it is to find holiness in the God who is silent in the face of suffering and death and disease and terror and war and genocide and natural disaster."

"But that is our challenge. 
To find holiness and faith in this broken, breath taking world."
from -Hope Will Find You by Naomi Levy


Anonymous said...

That was quite the dramatic change yesterday. I was sitting here looking out the window thinking we would have to miss our afternoon walk and then next thing you know the sun was shining. Did dad pass on the message about Saturday?

beth bennett said...

what message?