Saturday, November 13, 2010


A cold morning for a walk in the park by myself.  When I started out there where several families and people with dogs but within five minutes there is only me.  I soon turned around and headed back.

Drove to Langley with dad and he went into one store and I went to Value Village.  He came to look for me and was annoyed when he couldn't find me.  I think he should have looked at the book section because that is where I was.  There was a little chair there so I was completely happy not knowing he is becoming frustrated not finding me and thinking I had left the store.  Silly man! !!  I was happy because I did not know I was lost, just like the two times as a child I wandered from home and was picked up by the police and taken home to anxious parents;  the second time I ended up at the police station being fed candies.

We went from there to Chapters where I had them look up God and Brain and there are several books.  I bought one called  "God's Brain".  Dad got an anti-god book   I probably should read it too.

My book "God's Brain" beautifully describes how belief, ritual and socialization within a closed group work together to help humans survive the stresses of everyday life."  This is what the back cover says.  But first I need to finish "Hope Will Find You" by Naomi Levy who was a Jewish rabbi, one of the first women rabbis, who has a seriously ill daughter who now takes all her energy and her faith leaves her and she feels lost and alone.    The voices in her head tell her nothing is going to change and her daughter will not be able to learn and develop as other children.  She goes from doctor to doctor seeking help.  She saw two such doctors, one that said her daughter had significant cognitive deficits and would not be able to learn.  Namomi thinks of the picture she showed her daughter of a young Pakistani woman bedecked in white robes against a clear blue sky.  She said to her mother, "The woman is dressed in clouds".

The next doctor was realistic and did not have high hopes but told Naomi, "Your daughter has a spark"; and she had never encountered a child quite like her.

I am visiting several people, whom have lived interesting and exciting lives, but the spark is slowly dying.  One whispers to God at night to take her home she is just plain tired; the other is full of anger and bitterness and is trapped in his ailing body and even sicker mind.

The difference is the one is still interested in other people and visiting her cheers you up. 

I have a great compassion for anyone who battles fatigue because I know many people do.  I am so fortunate when I am tired I can enjoy a walk or just being in my yard telling my flowers to grow and tell the weeds to stop growing.

"Who is the wise person?  The one who can see the new moon in the dark night".  A Jewish teaching.

Spiritually I find new life igniting the spark of faith within me that never goes out.  I can't change the world but maybe I can help others whose spark is fading away. 

We will be going to Gracepoint Church today and then to Carol and Panteli's for supper.


Anonymous said...

Grampa always looses you.
hes got to focus on the success of finding you and forget the loosing.

beth bennett said...

Thank you Kim. Very wise. love grama