Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Feel free not to read.  I am just working through my thoughts on my Bible Study lesson that I am leading.

Now I think everyone has read the story of Adam and Eve tempted by the snake to eat the fruit, may have been an apple.  Why didn't I think to tell my children eat your broccoli and you will be wise like me or even wiser!

The temptation is to read into this mythical story, in which there is holy truth, the same things we have always believed.  This is suppose to be the reason we are all born sinners into a world of sinners.  I have no problem with knowing I make mistakes and that other people do as well.  When I got home from my chilly walk in the rain, which did stop, I was tired and hungry.  I would have liked to have been like the little Furbie that says feed me, feed me.  The potatoes were peeled by dad, as we actually had communicated by phone, so it really was not that long until everything else was cooked.  Thank God for fish that cooks quickly.

Would I be tempted if someone said "eat this" and I would know it all!  I think I would soon have no friends and my family would dread coming over to hear me tell them what they needed to hear and to do!  Actually, I often have ideas of what other people should do bu even though it is tempting to tell them I resist the urge.
The only way we grow in knowledge is through learning from others, learning from our experiences and being willing to acknowledge what I do not know.  Learning from those mistakes; like I just made posting on face book.  I have to admit I do not like to feel that I am being told what to do.  Maybe this is a sign of maturity or just cranky old age!  I did have a bossy older brother!

My temptation now is to become too bossy, by hey we all have out temptations!

What do I feel about God after reading this story.  Could I see Jesus sending me out of a beautiful garden into a cruel world where I would face pain and suffering, rejection and misery.  As I listen to the news and read the papers and hear politicians lie I realize that this is a cruel world where there is unfairness and disaster after disaster.  The whole thing is that we have brought so much of this on ourselves.  We were to take authority over this earth and over the creatures we share it with.

So many people blame God for the bad things that happen.  The important thing is to remember we do have choices and this is one of the things we see in this story,  We can be influenced by others telling us what we want to hear,  Poor choices that lead to hurtful actions or words will separate me from others and from the goodness of a God of love.

I think I want enough knowledge to feel that I can cope with life and I want to have faith in God's goodness.
I have known Him all my life and I know I need to know He is there for me to give me strength and courage.

I think it is time to look with new eyes; especially since we have the knowledge of the words of Jesus to guide us, at scripture realizing what we have come to believe is others interrupting it for us.  Compassion is what we all need to receive and to give.

Also I need to know that some one believes in me!

My plans for today are the Bible study and then tea with Shirley.


Anonymous said...

I dont remember having brokli when we were young and I think it would have been more of a temptation to eat the brokli if you said we would have super powers rather then being smart. Well, speaking for my self.

Anonymous said...

Good comment. love mom