Thursday, May 19, 2011


It is sooo good to see the sun shining on our back pond early in the morning.

Dad and I enjoyed a lazy day around home yesterday.  He did a bit of painting and then took a old picture that he had and put a new one of the painting of the back shed and put it on his blog.  I must admit there was some charm in the old rustic shed that Sandra and I noticed but it certainly looks much smarter now.

I had a short walk over to Applewood (Gama's place) to see if I could find some little treasure for Gracelyn as it is her birthday party Friday night.  Came home undecided.  Did some work in the yard digging weeds and planting some seeds and watering the hanging baskets.

Started writing a letter to my brother and hopefully I will finish it today.  I have another letter to write to my distant cousin in Australia.  Neither one have computers. 

Tried to read the chapter again on Enlightenment where ignorance and superstition become the new original sin.  Reading about Voltaire and his definition of Deism in his Philosophical Dictionary.  Like Newton he though that true religion should be easy, it's truth clearly discernible, and above all it should be tolerant. 
"That which did not order one to believe in things that are impossible, contradictory, injurious to divinity, and pernicious to mankind and which dare not menace with anyone possessing common sense. 

Which taught only the worship of one God, justice, tolerance and humanity.  Sounds easy but the human mind seems to always want to know more and more.  So we question what is God? what is justice?   what is tolerance? and what is humanity?

Science and reason would bring to light even more questions.  Everyone must answer their questions in the way that makes sense to themselves.  I may believe in quarks and gluons and have no idea what a scientist is talking about but I trust that in his studying he has discovered these things.  But his does not affect the way I live my life. 

The morning sun and the beauty I see in nature as I do my morning walk, my conversation with Gunty and the simple pleasure of planting seeds are all apart of discovering the mind of the Creator and stirring not only wonder but also a desire to be helpful.  Today I will go visiting because I think that people need people.

So our day ended with an exciting hockey game.  I happily went off to bed while dad did the dishes and took out the garbage.


Anonymous said...

We did not watch the game but heard the honking after it so were pretty sure it had a good outcome. Got the back grass cut and grouted the shwower floor. No lazy day for us, but only 1 week till our vacation.

Anonymous said...

nice sunny day changes everything.

beth bennett said...

Yes the whole world looks different!