Sunday, May 1, 2011


The Robin a reminder of spring.
Kidney pain reminds us both to drink more water.  Thankful that this helped.
Sunday reminds me of the importance of a day of rest and inspiration;
 time to receive and give blessings to one another.
Any day can be set aside for us just to catch our breath and rejoice in being alive!

I am enjoying learning about gardening and find it relaxing just mucking around with my hands in the dirt.  I like discovering new growth and finding lady bugs and seeing butterflies flitting by.  But I also can be frustrated when things do not look right in my eyes and it can be just plain hard work.

Watching the birds picking up twigs and grass to build their nests reminds me
 that it often takes hard work to accomplish our goals.

So what makes a person a "good" Christian?  In my mind there is no simple formula.  It all comes back to loving God with all your hear,and with all your soul, and with all your mind and to try to do that I lean on the wisdom of Jesus but accepting the wisdom traditions of other faiths and philosophies.  This reminds me of how much I need God's grace in my heart.

And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Fill your heart with love, good thoughts and kindness!

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

Love, good thoughts and kindness remind of people I knew, years ago, who were quakers. When I first met them I doubted them, nor believing that people could be that kind to people they didn't know.But l, like the doubting Thomas, of our sermon today, learned that they were genuine in thoughts and deeds. What a wonderful story it is.....Doubting Thomas and Christ's appearance to he and the disciples. My turn to play at church as the regular organist is on holidays. Yea, I get to pick the hymns. Enjoying your garden pics Beth...what a happy face on the pansy.