Monday, May 16, 2011


Yesterday was a quiet day of healing for me.  I walked in the morning with Gunty and then a short walk in the afternoon to take this picture.  Some plans that we had made for the day had to be cancelled.  This morning I am feeling good and got up and made myself muffins with Quinoa flakes that are suppose to be so healthy for you.  I also cook it up and use it instead of rice.

I am amazed at the way people are dealing with the flooding in Manitoba and the fires here in B.C.  So many homes destroyed  and businesses lost.  I am amazed at their courage and strength.  It is a message to all of us to value our loved ones and appreciate what we have.

Growing older can sometimes mean withdrawing from some activities and things we once were involved in.  I am also aware of how unpredictable life can be but as I view my life as unfinished meaning, I still have lots to learn, and much to enjoy!

No heavy reading for me yesterday as my brain at the best of times can only absorb tiny bits of  deep thought and reasoning.  So I have the time but not the energy but I know it will come back.
Times when the body needs rest benefits the soul and again I experience that wordless yearning for more of the energy of God to vibrate within me.  It was so easy as a child to be full of wonder and awe in a tiny bug or a stream created by the rain; perfect to sail little sticks down. 

Unfinished because I am aware that within me there are two natures.  One is calm and the other is restless.
I am thankful that I am not a cynical person but have a faith that believes in the goodness of the human spirit.
That does not mean that I am unaware of the false illusions about God that calls for me to be a little more discerning.  I know that there will always be choices and decisions to be made and some will need prayer.

The cherry blossoms are finishing and becoming ground cover.
The flowers in my garden are not sure just what to do so they are slow in coming.
It is looking very green and the grass keeps growing and growing.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you feeling well mom.

Anonymous said...

I miss cherry blossoms