Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I had such a great day yesterday I was thinking I could sure enjoy more days like this.  Too cold to be outside in the morning so moved some furniture, ate a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, got signed up for a seminar at Choices for a information day about celiac,  reading about an Irish doctor who lives among wonderful loony characters in Ballybucklebo enjoying a good laugh, (most of my books from the library will be going back as it was mainly that I spent so much time there with dad I just kept picking books).   Dad helped me plant my one plant and then I dug out more weeds while he cut the lawn; it finally warmed up enough to be outside.  We had lunch out at Milestones where I have the gluten free salad which I really like, oh and I found my cell phone that has been missing for three weeks.  I had put it in the car glove compartment because in an emergency it would be of some use there instead of sitting at home.  Then dad and I sat on the chesterfield with our laptop computers and I posted my first message.  Dad has done a great job getting it all hooked up.  I am wading into this new contraption very slowly and carefully.

It was one of those days that it was good to be alive; another one to add to others.

I was very saddened to hear that Shara Moore's new baby girl is in hospital with respiratory problems.  She is Ron and Donna's grand daughter.  Those little ones are so precious and it is so hard to see them on oxygen and in a bubble tent; but that is the best place and the care is so good these days for children.

I can remember when our Ken was in hospital as a baby and the first time we where not allowed to visit at all.  That was so painful.  My prayers will be with Shara and the family and I see others are sharing with her on face book so that is a help.

Today I am off to my hilarious Bible study group, well it helps to have a clown in the group, especially going through the Old Testament.  It was very dangerous to be a woman back then as it is in some countries right now.  Dad will be off to the library to search out more "french" connections.  He can spend hours on the computer doing this.

Light rain this morning for my walk with Gunty.  Dad is very happy I have her as a friend to walk with.

I am on the old computer which is on its best behavior now that it's existence is threatened!

My neighbor is threatening to collect cans to buy me new runners.  They are comfortable like old friends and old clothes.  Very thoughtful of her though.  Yes I do have a better pair.


Anonymous said...

That is too bad about Shara, but sounds like you had a good day, even with new computers to hook up. I got the back grass cut before the rain started again. It is certainly a very green world in my yard these days.Better then drought I guess. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a satisfying day yesterday.
We went to Staples and bought a set of the Panasonic phones you recommended . Now we just have to get them set up. Michael usually helps us with our technological problems. Bye for now .Jane

Anonymous said...

A laugh a minute in the Old Testament. That's what I always say.

Nothing wrong with those shoes!

