Monday, May 16, 2011


It is a real treat to have strawberries for breakfast and enjoying every bite.  After a quiet time of prayer I went off to walk in the quiet streets enjoying the solitude and the beauty of nature as trees and flowers are blooming more and more each day.  I walk among the pedals of the cherry blossoms which when the wind blows even gently rain down upon me.  My shoes squeaking as I walk on the damp pavement listening to the birds chirping in the trees.  I am thankful as I name my family and ask God's presence to be with them.  My heart is heavy as one of the dearest people is in hospital in pain with cancer and heart problems and not expected to live long.

As we gather after church for our prayer meeting group she is on all our minds.  Our minister Daniel has had a rough go with having to visit and comfort and be there for so many who have passed away.  In the midst of this life goes on as a family of three three year old come to church and delight us all by running up and down the aisle so curious about this place called church. 

We decide to go out to eat after church but for some reason the omelet I had triggered the celiac re-action of nausea and stomach bloating.  I find it discouraging as it slows me down and there is not much that helps I just have to wait for it to past.  It is hard to concentrate as I try to read for my other group that meets this week I think.  I had great plans of reading and taking notes.  There are things in each one of our lives that we just have to learn to accept and to live with.

The life long question weighs on my heart as I pray for others who have faced so many difficulties and there honest prayer is just to remove the cup of suffering from their lives; why do bad things happen to good people.  One of the most popular books a few years ago was called "The Secret" which seem to be bringing to light ancient truth that if we think positive thoughts the energy of these thoughts vibrate and bring good things to you.  This does not help me deal with all the questions around the suffering of others; those whose homes are being flooded and live hoods destroyed. 

Faith has to be real even when I feel that it is inadequate to take away all that is negative.  Compassion and love are what is real and helps us to comfort those in deep distress.  I am deeply grateful for those who have prayed for me over the years and continue to open my heart to the love and grace of God.  What a privilege to pray for others and to be prayed for.

Small lights shine in the trees of our shade deck and I am reminded that we each shine in our own way especially when we are our real selves, inadequate and humbled by life.


Anonymous said...

There has not been much need of a shade deck so far this year, but they say August is supose to be nice. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I've been too much in the shade for the last few months...

Anonymous said...

Nice posting Mom.



PS Tell Daniel I'm still thinking of the Wesylian quadrallateral.

Anonymous said...

Life is full of paradox so well expressed in your blog today . Talking of the beauty and wonder of nature and the suffering of loved ones and why bad things happen to good people. Thank you once again for your thoughtful writing. Jane.

beth bennett said...

Thank you for your comments. They add so much.

Interesting Rick that you should mention Daniel because he has a heavy load at this time.

I will remember to do that.

Love mom