Friday, May 13, 2011


Sandra's garden looks lovely even with the poor weather we have been having.  Unbelievable.

The whole blog net-work was shut down first thing this morning.  I wondered what I had done?

Dad is talking about moving the furniture in our computer room.  Now tht is unbelievable!  He never ever wants to move furniture.

Listened to a documentary on T.V. saying that we have been inhabited by aliens and this makes us made in the image of something unknown.  Pretty unbelievable.  I would rather believe in angels and faries and even ghosts and glolies than strang creatures from space ships.  It is surprising what some people will believe!

Trying a new gluten-free receipe that looks good and should be good for you.  I am finally realizing that it is not enough to stay away from gluten but make sure I eat enough of what I can eat!  I am a slow learner.

As I take time to pray for those on our prayer list I am reminded that not only others are praying so I am not praying alone but the Bible talks about a glorious cloud of witnesses that surrounds us.  We are in the company of the spirit and angels.  Some would say does good things happening to others depend on whether we pray or not?  I believe that our thoughts are powerful and if we think loving healing thoughts they will add to the good that God is creating in us and with us.  I do not know if that makes sense but I am using toow much time here and it ia later in the day already.

"Indifference to the Sublime Wonder of being is the root of sin."
Abraham Joshua Heschel

"Human frail, faulted and flawed-out of this sorry clay God (el) produces people,
 male and female, who are to do el's will, to be in el's image."  Genesis 1:26.
 I am so thankful for the breath of life which is always a miracle.

Mather's day table waiting for the four of us to come and enjoy eating together!

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