Thursday, May 26, 2011


When I go visiting as  did yesterday I listen to the stories of those I sit and spend time with.  Most people want to share their experiences of life and it is amazing how much we have in common.

The Bible is full of stories, that are not always objective. but challenge the intellect and the imagination of the reader.  Passionate stories searching for the meaning of our existence and the presence of  God's love that can seem so elusive and mysterious.  Stories have always been apart of the vocabulary of even the moderately educated person.  The great stories of scripture, the Greek and Roman myths and even fairy stories that we all have heard.  I treasure my books as companions like a good friends.  I have my favorite authors like everyone else.

I like to think of Jesus as one of the great story tellers, who would gather a circle of listeners around him to invite his listeners into his search for truth and to  share his vision of a new future called the Kingdom of God.  He taught them to see the truth of their worthiness to enter into and be a part of a plan bigger than anything they had ever dreamt about.  He spoke, I believe, with an intensity that captured their attention.  They looked into his eyes and read his compassion for each one of them.  He spoke with a keen disconcerting intelligence to reveal to them the lessons to be learned from their individual experiences; bringing into the light the joys and pains of everyday living.  He wove the truth out of the mythology of their past traditions.

He put his heart into his message to breath new life into the souls of his listeners.  You are not alone he would remind them but there is a loving presence that surrounds you even if you do not feel it or believe in it.

 He also welcomed children to come and listen.  No one was left out but all where welcomed.  This is the true meaning, the true center of grace.   After he died it would be these stories they would remember and continue to tell to those who where willing to listen.  Each remebering differently.  This story of wonder and beauty was not meant to be changed into methods and facts but free to touch people in all variety of ways.
I have always loved reading to the children.  Both Morgan and Ben love to read and to be read to.

Morgan has the card game all ready for us to play.  Ben hopes grandpa will practice with him but he was too tired.  Yes, we do get tired easily these days.  Dad had to get his blood tested again yesterday and has some doctor appointments in June.

Tonight we join our study group as we read our book together.  Each one of us will find different parts speaking to us and because we do it helps bring life into this very serious book, "The Case for God."

I have been awake since 4 and it annoys me.  Dad gets his best sleep in now.  We will both have a nap before we go out.

This is the path to my friends house and we will be walking together again today.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Jesus was a good story-teller and the new testament is a good story about him. And key theme in both those stories is: DON'T LET THE PRIESTS AND PHARISEES TIE YOU UP WITH STUPID RULES AND LAWS!

To paraphrase Keats,"that is all we know and all we need to know"!



beth bennett said...

That was what I said so I think we agree!

love mom