Thursday, May 5, 2011


I love to start the day with a walk to this pond.  Everything is so calm.  Yesterday was not one of my better days, although I do not have racoons in my actic and bunny rabbits  are not eating up mu garden like they are my neighbor Cathy's.  Everytime I come in the house now I trail in dirt and especially bark mutch.  We were late going to the library as I got into a conversation with some one who rejects my beliefs with her strong opinions.  Making me so thankful for good friends.  We stayed far too long at the library as dad was looking up ancestors on the computer and the time just flew by until I realized I was feeling sick with hunger.

Home group also became a negative discussion and coming home dad and I agree we will not go anymore.  They are wonderful friends and we will always be friends.

When dad talks about God and why he rejects religion I agree in that Ido not believe in that god either.
The strange thing is that the Jewish believers have there own way of believing the Old Testament and they love to discuss what scripture means and is saying. 

Jesus is the anser but when I read some of the different ansers he gave to people I see how he treated everyone differently.  He welcomes the lost and sick and those who have been rejected.  Even the shepherds that came at his birth where a class that had been rekected and where considered to be sinners. 

All I know is that God that comforts me is bigger than anything I can put into words.  We joke about heaven being guarded at the gate by St. Peter and a place of flowing white robes and harps playing.  I am reading a delightful book about a person whois in heaven and is being sent back to earth to help solve a mystery.  I love the way she describes this place where all her faults are known and yet there is this great loving spirit there.  She catches a train to come to earth and start her life as some one new. 

The humor is delightful and I have another book to read that is humorous that I am looking forward to reading also.  Today I will be visiting although I have only three people to visit but I do not feel like taking on any more. 

I will leave the garden to grow by itself and I am still hoping some dead looking branches will come to life.
If it is rainy is is a very gentle rain and I am always happy the rain waters my garden for me.

My sign by our water fall says welcome and my garden sign says The Healing Garden and my God welcomes home one and all!  If that is a fairy tale I am happy with it! !


Anonymous said...

That must have been quite the discussion for you decide to not go any more? Did dad find anything new and interesting about our family? Oh, and I remembered what it was that I was going to ask you. Can you ask Cathies daughter if she will house sit for us. I am looking for September 2-10.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had a bad day with difficult discussions and decisions .l liked the description of Heaven as a place where you are accepted as is by a loving Spirit. sounds like grace to me. We had fun at the production of " Fawlty Towers" on the North Shore's Presentation House. Bye for now, Jane

nancy-Lou said...

What is a home group discussion Beth? Did you know that you can buy cranberries as a supplement in capsule form? I believe one or two a day keeps the kidneys healthy. Of course cranberry juice is great too, just often it is not on hand!

beth bennett said...

Home group discussion is where we discuss questions from the sermon. But sadly we got off track and it became political and a discussion of what for one of us was unbelieveable especially the angery vengeful God of the Old Testament. Opinions were strongly expressed and became negative and not helpful. We are very good friends and will still remain so.
A little humor and a calming influence was missing.