Thursday, February 16, 2012


I am trying to put some pictures on of some of my favorite things I like to take pictures of daily.


Leaves etc.


I was trying to capture Ken's air blowing out on one of our cold days.  We talked to Ken on the phone.  Jasmine had just colour the walls, herself. the chesterfield, and blinds  with unwashable crayons.  Hope they were able to get it out some how.

Sometimes in life we just have to take a deep breath and then slowly let it out. 

I had another bad night with uncomfortable bloating and nausea and I know that once again that sick feeling that comes from eating  something with gluten.  I am very grateful for all the good things that are being made available to celiac sufferers like me but I wish more people really understood.  Annoying reminder for me to be more careful.

I had two walks yesterday, first on my own and then with Gundy..  We meet some of our old regulars and they are so happy to see us walking together again.  It is good to make new friends and the fresh air helps me feel better.

Dad received two birthday cards, one from Larry Olson and one from Rick which gave him a good laugh,

Today I will visit Jim and then dad and I will be off to Shirley Fowler's 93 birthday party.

Tasha, grade 12.  below is Leah, nurses aid grad and Mary, grad as a child care professional! 


Anonymous said...

Very nice group of pictures mom. Sounds like you and dad are doing much better. Theresa says she is not sure if she will be able to make it on Sunday, not sure if she called you or not. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Sorry to hear that you were ill with all those bad things that come with celiac disease....they really are terrible. I think one has to live with the disease before they find out how disabling it is. The pain alone is bad enough, let alone the nausea, gas and other unmentionable things. I hope you feel better soon Beth. It is a real challenge. Sending you healing prayers. Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you both.

Yes, I am feeling much better and appreciate your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Nice photos Mom.The ink is still there !! Matthew is having terriable nightmares, keeps thinking the door to his bedroom is opening.Had a nice night with Jasmine after Matt went to sleep.So much nicer when there is only one child,,ie no fighting.Busy day at work training.