Monday, November 12, 2012


                                                    This ditch is at Mud Bay

Why I am up so early? What should we plan to do today? What to eat? Where to go?
As a child I was very  aware of the unspoken and spoken expectations of others.
 I want to leave that behind me.

I am thankful for my daily morning walk just to listen and say a quiet prayer for those on my heart.
I also have another purpose on my walks as I past a Big Brothers Clothing Bin.  I will take a small bag every morning of good used clothes and drop them in.  This means I have to look all through my closet again.

I am clueless about Christmas.  I will send a few family cards if I can find some that say"Merry Christmas".  Is this story just a myth?  I will have to ask our group when we gather on Dec. 2 for a pot-luck supper and discussion.  The birth of a child is always a miracle and I am excited about the baby that is growing in our own Mary.  I love the Nativity story and will continue to find love expressed so beautifully in every word. 

             Wonderful memories of this home filled with the little ones and all the fun we had.

Reading a book about a wild teen-ager makes me realize how clueless I was about the world my teen-age children faced.  Maybe I would have been less fearful and anxious if I was more knowledgeable; but thankful all you guys are wonderful and such a blessing to us now.
I hope we all live forgiving and compassionate lives of enjoyment and laughter. 


Sandra said...

It is amazing that you look at the house now and it just kind of looks ugly and plain but back in the day it was fun central. It was grama and grampa's house. Thank you for all you both did, now I am facing that next stage of my life I amazed that you did not lock the doors close the curtains and yell out the window, "no one home" . Oh yah, dad did try that and we just barged in any ways! Sandra

beth bennett said...

What a precious comment I love it!
Yes your life will be changing and there will be many busy but fun-filled days. love mom

Anonymous said...

such a blessing "now"? Like we weren't always? :) Har Har

the picture of the fence/field/ditch ... where was that



beth bennett said...

Yes you were always blessings. Well most of the time.
The ditch is on the way to Mud Bay where I took a lot of pictures on my walk with dad. love mom

Anonymous said...

but teenagers today with all the social media very different to us.Funny as I look back , no internet,no facebook,no pay Tv, we kids should have been bored more often. Now kids have the whole world in their bedrooms every day.