Friday, November 23, 2012


Dad had very good news at the eye doctor as his pressure is down from where it was.  I felt so healthy seeing all the people there with serious eye problems.  You feel thankful and also sad.
We did go down to the Sylvia after for lunch.  A dull sorta day but still people out walking.
We had great fun watching the geese crossing the road stopping all the traffic.  There were a lot of boats out in the water.  When we left we met some Americans that had come here to shop for good quality stuff.  Ha ha.
Glad you liked the calender Ken; thanks for the pictures.  I am anxious for Christmas to come and we get to see family. I love the feeling of magic and all the love express, the excitment and happiness. I love the decorations and no one does it better than Sandra and Randy. I am thankful that I do not have to make a dinner with all the hard work and effort that entails. 
We have both come home very exhausted although the traffic was good and we had a fun day with good news.
 It is preposterous of us to think we can put God in a box and demand he act a certain way.  He is invisible and the wonder of life is that he is not visible by scientific proof but through simple faith and trust.  I like using a new word for my title.
  Everything in life comes down to faith. .without faith we would live in fear, unable to move or talk or make decisions. There is a definite communal component to Christianity that comes with being with other Christians and learning together. We all questions. Does my life have purpose and meaning? Do I have a soul? Is there an invisible reality? What can I place my faith in?  Is there such a thing as a sixth sense?  Where does the conscious come from that tells us what is right and wrong?

Why have people turned away from organized religion, some because of bitterness and anger and others because they see the abuse and hypocrisy,  and some because of disappointment.  I think it would be very scary to actually see God so I am happy He is invisible.

They believe that they can handle life quite well on their own, I guess.
This bird's nest stays firm even though the wind and rain blow upon it I pass it on my walk and never see it when the leaves are on the tree.  It is there but invisible.
"The material realm of the senses is completely unlike the extrasensory, supernatural realm of the spiritual.  One is, intrinsically visible and the other is intrinsically invisible.
--"The Invisible World" by Anthony Destefano.


Anonymous said...

Good news about Dad's eyes.

Yes, the early Christians were communists alright. Funny that.

That's an eagle's nest in the tree?



Anonymous said...

Good news re dads eye . My eye has growth things on it I have an appointment 13 dec to see a specialist. Seventh pm shift in a Row for me today. 34c,hot and windy

beth bennett said...

Ken that is not good news.

You will be looking forward to a day off.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

The picture of the birds nest, makes me think that the birds have FAITH that the nest will endure steadfastly ( is there such a word ) to the tree...and thus inspires me to hang on steadfastly to my FAITH.

Faith has helped me to get through the last few months (and especially the last few days )as our dear daughter in law made the final journey home. She passed away Friday morning. Many thanks Beth for you inspiring pictures and are amazing!