Tuesday, April 14, 2015


DSCN5948It is incredible how mush better one feels when they have an early walk in the fresh morning air.

"Just for today I will strive to recognize the beauty within myself.
I will escape discouragement and replace it with virtue.
I will offer compassion and forgive my faults
I will bury self doubts
And plant seeds of optimism.
I will cast out bitterness and treasure purity
Today. . . . .
I will embrace every good thing
and surrender myself to God."  _  L. A. Neilson

I needed to read and take in these words today.

I have decided that no news is good news!  I have been waiting for news of my last test.

Both dad and I were a little tired and discouraged but today we are going to look for a new suit for dad to wear to Kim's reward dinner.  I got this idea as I was walking Haiti over to the park at the end of the day. 


Sandra said...

When is the awards dinner?

I thought that they had already given your brain the all clear?

It was much nicer walking this morning, plus I got in my afternoon walk here at work.

beth bennett said...

The awards dinner is Thursday night.

The first test looks good from an unprofessional eye but then there was another tested ordered and I do not know what it said or why.

Nice to have sunny mornings.

We have junk day coming up next Thursday and I am looking for a little help if possible on Friday or Sat.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, Me too! Well I do hope this latest test comes back with good news too, Beth!

Love, Nancy