Monday, April 20, 2015


"Jesus simply held up  the truth as a beacon of light for all to see and hear."

Did some reading from the book “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived” instead of going to church.
 I think we would have made it on time but for my upset stomach.

Actually the life style Jesus lived wandering from Place to place not carrying along a lot of material possessions appeals to me at the moment.

So the question the author asks is what was the purpose of all that Jesus did ( and of course answers)  is Jesus wanted to save humanity by giving their lives purpose and meaning.  His stories were ones they could relate to and even find healing as they listened.  Jesus was the kind of a man who would speak his mind.  I happen to believe the church should still do that today.  Yes, we are a mixed group of people who have their faults but I know I speak for myself when I say Jesus changed my life in many ways. 

The girls Carol, Kim and Theresa  took Haiti for a nice long walk at the Serpentine Fen. As soon as they got back to our house Kim fixed up a quick snack and some drinks.  After they were going to the play where people read funny stories from their diaries.  They all looked so lovely how could I forget to take their pictures.

 It was time for dad and I to rest our sore backs and feet.  I know I was tired.  Then hockey again!


Sandra said...

I would have loved to go with them on the walk, Carol invited me but I was in the garden all afternoon.

I really really can not wait for this class to be over!


beth bennett said...

I am sure you are not alone in that feeling. No one wants to be studying when the weather is so nice.
Did you go shopping for plants? I would go with you maybe another time.

nancy-Lou said...

I missed church too, Beth. Too tired after the workshop on Saturday.
Jesus shines " the light " for me! es feel as though our churches hide behind religion at times and don't speak out as Jesus would have done.

We awoke to winter again with everthing looking so pretty...but a white world. When I turned on the outdoor lights last night to let the doggies out it was a blizzzard with the snow flying sideways in the wind. It is almost gone now, but the highways were icy early on.

How nice Carol and her daughters do things together....the serpentine fen...hmmmm I must look that one up. I do know a fen is a special place where plants grow that would not be able to grow otherwise. We have a fen nearby where over 20 wild orchids grow. They try to keep it quiet due to too many destructive people going there.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Whet back to the dental surgen yesterday. He wants another X-ray in two months to see if the bone graph worked. He shaved off the bit of protruding bone. He said it may be as low as ten percent chance that the graph did not work. Came home to watch the end of the Canucks game. The flames played well. Our guys could hear footsteps and threw the puck away. Watching WPG game now. Crowd helps !

larry bennett said...

Dad is watching hockey too.
I did not like the fighting at the end of the game yesterday but it appeared the Calgary coach put his goons on.

I sure hope that the graft worked.


larry bennett said...

Yes the flames played great - skate - skate - that Bennett kid was great - we will have to come up with some very smart hockey to win this series.

The jets are a very big, strong, confident team, to bad about the last second goal at the end of the first period - I think if the Jets win this game the definitely will take the series.

Hope your bone graf holds out OK.