Wednesday, April 8, 2015


DSCN5608Another sunny day today.  Tuesday

Neither dad nor I were feeling all that sunny because of pain in dad's feet and my legs were hurting.  We talked about shopping for a baby present but neither of us could do much walking.  So instead dad suggested a drive to White Rock and quiet meditation on a bench like two logs.

We parked near a store full of hats.  Dad bought me one and wants to go back when there are a bigger variety of summer hats for him.

Home in time for another hockey game which seem to be getting more exciting.

Along with my Bible study I an reading "And Then There Were Nuns" a funny true story. 

 Lots of good stories and insights to be gained in both.

The author Jane Christmas has always has a stirring in her soul to be a nun and is even feeling that the spirit is prompting her.  She is in her fifties has been married and divorced and is tired of the rat race of work so is  ready to take a risk fulfilling her dream that has never left her. So she decides to enter a Convent to see if she is nun material.  She also had become tired with the religion attitudes and upheavals.  She wants to experience the life as a nun.  She learned to listen in the silence, to enjoin others in long prayers and become part of a choir than sang chants.

First she joined at a Convent in Toronto, then on to the Isle of  Wight, to two different Convents.
then to a Cloistered Castle in England.  Like most things you get the most out of something when you put a lot into it.  With these words I realize I must start on my Bible study so I will get something out of it and hopefully be able to share with the others.
It is interesting as she goes to four different convents, all very different in style where many different characters pop up and surprise her and us readers too. 


Steady-as-rain said...

I called back yesterday but nobody was home - probably you were out buying hats at the time. I should go to that hat shop. I haven't bought a new hat in years!

The idea of being a nun (or monk) seems to me extremely odd.

The new Pope seems like a very nice fellow, but I suppose he is going to leave celibacy in place so only weirdos will continue to be priests, which is extremely odd. At least monks and nuns are just off on their own chanting and making wine and honey and such.


Rick (feeling slightly like a robot today)

beth bennett said...

Nuns do much more than that and are involved in the community as teachers and helping the poor. They also offer retreat places where people can withdraw from the world,
Our lesson is on speaking in tongues but the important thing is what we say to ourselves knowing our brains are recording it and believe what we repeat!
Food for thought.
Yes come and buy a hat in May!
love mom

Sandra said...

I had a bad night, lots of coughing, but little Sebastien did very well.

We are off to have his blood tested this afternoon, his jaundice numbers were quite high yesterday.

beth bennett said...

Please take something for yourself that does not sound good. Coedine helps stop coughing and you can get liquid at the Drugstore.
Hope all is well with baby. love mom

Anonymous said...

We . Melina and kids , went to science works yesterday .I watched the hockey game as well . Matthew vomited before bed , he is a little bit sick as well. Jasmine getting over her cold as well. Melina got employee of the month , and a $200 bonus .

beth bennett said...

Congratulations Melina on a well deserved award I am sure. Good on you! ! !

Children often get tummy upsets and colds which is upsetting but usually they get better faster than us oldies.

Waiting for a doctor's report in the mail on my M.R.I. and it is taking a long time.

Dad cut the grass and got some new blocks for my little flower area. A big help.

Congratulations Melina.

All our love mom and dad