Sunday, December 18, 2016


Yes it snowed a little bit over night.  Carol may bring Ben and Morgan over to help us decorate outside and Morgan and I may go to the park to put up some colorful balls etc.  I would like to go to church but I will see how the day goes. 

There were four of us sitting in big arm chairs that stretch out getting iron infusions.  I was amazed and affirmed by hearing their stories.  We all had the same problems and no answer to the question why our iron was down so low.  We were four ladies about the same age.  Feeling cold and having headaches and trouble walking along with fatigue and aches and pains.

Four hours was along time.  I should have taken something to eat.  We could have as much water or juice to drink as we wanted.  I was covered with a warm blanket.  Getting a needle in your wrist is no fun but the nurse was a real pro.  The nurses were excellent and very efficient.  One was dressed in bright pink, no one in the old uniforms at all.

I am not to expect anything to pick up quickly as it will slowly absorb.  I expected this amazing feeling of renewed energy but actually was extremely tired by the time we got home, so was dad.
I got again in three weeks.

Reliving the Christmas story still fills me with wonder and affirmation.
A gift given from the very heart of God to reveal in this child of promise a new faith built on love and grace and joyous affirmations.


nancy-Lou said...

They look after you very well at those infusion clinics don't they? I am glad they are going to continue giving them to you...I am pretty sure they will help. There usually is an extra recliner chair where Carl gets his infusion and i often go back early and have a rest in it after doing errands all day.

I just sat down for a rest after making a dutch oven of cabbage rolls and another large pot of vegetarian cabbage rolls for our son, Bob, who is a vegetarian. I made a lemon pie too and some dinners for the dogs. hamburger mixed with rice and veggies. I freeze them and give them every so often...not every day! It is a treat. Max, my dog, watched everything I did...for 2 1/2 hours...he sat there. He loves to eat and I guess he was supervising. Haha.
Bella was more interested in catching the bird that came in our sunroom through the pet door. I managed to catch him and put him out. A chickadee. he is fine.

It is very cold. Our heater in the living room won't go above 67F....or 18C. But we dress warmly, in layers. It is supposed to be milder starting tomorrow. I have an appointment at the dentists again...I believe the 6th time for the root canal, that caused me an abscess and a bone infection. They are going to re-do the root canal...YIKES. Oh well at least I won't have trouble over the holidays and have to go to clinic for more antiboitics.

Well I have to go outdoors and give the birds a few peanuts to get them thru the night and plug in the car. Do you remember plugging in your car in Saskatoon?

Have a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It has been snowing here all day. Randy and I have kept busy putting up blinds and curtains in the living room and dining room. Oh, plus he had to run down to the states to pick up a package I ordered for Seeley.

It must be nice to feel like you are not just a crazy old lady with your weird symptoms, or if you are at least you are not alone!

I have my book to read, Randy has football to watch and there is a fire going. Keep warm if you go over to the park with Ben and Morgan, and remember it is still icy under the new snow.


beth bennett said...

We were mom