Monday, December 26, 2016


It certainly was a beautiful magical Christmas.
From the moment we rang the musical doorbell and were welcomes by Sandra and Randy into a vry festive home.
Candle light and tiny Christmas trees decorated the tables.
Yes there were even Christmas crackers.
But the star was Ophelia.

Tasha and Sandra pose for a selfie with help from Randy.
Justice and great gramma pose for  the camera.
Trevor is camera shy.
This is the whole group of beautiful people.

A busy celebration from the arrival of Rick on Christmas Eve, the Breakfast with Carol and Panteli and Oliver opening presents until the grand final at Sandra and Randy's.  The camera sits on the mantel on a timer and Justice runs to get in the picture.  Yes it is fussy.

Monday is a quiet day which began with a walk with Rick.
This is at the park.
It was snowing and later it would turn to rain.
Rick left taking some lunch with him a little anxious about the weather.

Jesus was the baby whose birth we celebrate and whose life has the power to change all our lives through prayer and faith.


Anonymous said...

It may be safer for Rick to fly to Vancouver .
last day / night for me , now three weeks off.

nancy-Lou said...

OH my, Beth, what wonderful photos of the family Christmas. They all are nice, but my favourite one is of you and Justice....isn`t he growing into a handsome young man and you look so pretty in your scarf and sweater. Everyone looks so happy in the group photo and Ophelia is the `star`of the party! She is so adorable. She is looking very healthy and has put on some weight..exce
Christmas for us was very quiet, with no visitors. Our sons came by on Christmas day.
Everyone stayed home because of the storm and it was one huge one. Many highways were closed and some are still closed, two days later. We got a lot of snow in a short time...about two feet in 12 hours. We are plowed out, and I cleaned off the car which had about a foot and half of snow on was buried. It took me an hour. I shovelled out the door and path to the shop and to the bird feeder...but there is a lot more to do today. I will post some photos on facebook.

This is our fifth Christmas without our daughter in law, Melodie Ateah, and they say the loss becomes easier as time goes by...but we all really missed her very much. She and Bob always spent Christmas with us. We were close and she was a member of our family for 25 years.

I am sure it would be a difficult time for Jane and her husband too after the loss of their daughter.

That is a good idea of Ken`s, for Rick to fly if the roads are bad..I hope he made it home OK.

I guess it is fulltime summer in Melbourne now and Ken and his family will be on holidays. You must miss them, especially at Christmas. Do you Skype?

I have to go out and feed the birds wish you a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy