Thursday, December 1, 2016


Everything is moving too fast.  I feel I should be feeling the Christmas spirit with the houses on our street sparkling with lights.  Two Christmas cards have arrived and I have not even started.  We do not send very many any more but I do like to receive them.

Dad went in to see Dr. Nolte with me and they had a great conversation about hats.  He was admiring dads fancy black one. 

He decided to have me have a transfusion of iron but even this may not give me an energy boost but I am hopeful.  He also wants me to have a sleep test which I was going to postpone but now I have an appointment already for the 9th. 

The Dec. calendar is filling up quickly.  I told Aileen that I would do a Christmas reading at our luncheon and I had great ideas but. . . .I was thinking of starting with God's promise of a plan way back in Isaiah 111-10.  The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon him
The spirit of wisdom and understanding,  the spirit of counsel and might.
The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

Then a short reading from Luke and a short story from 1261 about the origin of the creche started by St. Francis.  Then a story from The Christmas Joy from a Chicken Soup book.  I will have to look and find these stories.

Haiti came over today and I took her for a walk when we returned home.  She walks very fast now or just maybe I am a little slow.  It was fun having her walk with me.

Kim came and picked her up and had a short visit.  She is working hard at school which drains her energy but she is in good spirits.  She always cheers us up!

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved
loved for ourselves or maybe in spite of ourselves."  -Victor Hugo


Sandra said...

She does the intravenous vitamin and mineral boosting and is close to you.

This year has flown by and yes, it is hard to believe it is almost Christmas.

Simone and Sebastien have their first Christmas concerts today as their day cares are part of a school. Mary is going to try and video it for me.

I was thinking of dropping by later, did you say Leah and Ophelia might as well?


nancy-Lou said...

The Christmas spirit has evaded our house too! The last few years it is not as exciting to us, with the exception of the celebration of the birth of Christ. Maybe it happens with aging and also having a small family!
The monetary things are unimportant now and it is quite a relief, to be honest, not to worry about buying gifts and stocking the house with foods that only entice us to eat too much of the wrong things.
We will all come together for Christmas supper and have lots of fun and laughs and that will be it..with the exception of a few friends and family stopping by for a visit over the holidays. Nice and quiet!
I do miss having little children always is so much fun to see them ripping open their parcels and seeing the glee on their little faces.

I am so glad to hear your doctor is taking action and ordering the sleep test as well as the transfusion.
Carl has sleep apnea and he was sleeping all the time...all night and all day, but never getting into a restful sleep. He would garble his words and sound like he was drunk. He would fall asleep while talking...but a weight loss has helped a lot. He is a lot more alert, but still has sleep apnea to some degree.

That is why I do all the driving. He refused to use the sleep machine. Too bad, but he didn't like it. So, I hope that things will improve for you Beth and your tiredness will improve a lot!

How nice of you to agree to do a reading at the Christmas luncheon. I didn't know that St. Francis was the origin of the story about the creche. I do have two books about St. Francis and now that you have spurred my mind I will re-read them. I love St. Francis and his story. Thanks, Beth!

My piano students are playing and singing in the band at the Wayside Gospel Hall. They really enjoy it. Yesterday we were learning Christmas carols and singing along as we played! I have three students who are in their teens or almost teens and I find them most inspiring to teach.

I am off to pick up Carl's infusion drug from the pharmacy. Hoping the predicted snow for Monday will not come!

Have a good day today, filled with more energy and a walk,

Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

the christmas lunch is always enjoyable .l am sorry not to be there to hear your readings .l don't know the story about St. Frances and the creche. so l will look it up as a christmas treat. Christmas has started here with the arrival of two cards and my retrieving two christmas cushions from the storage unit also l have been playing my pre-christmas record of wordless carols played on a flamenco guitar .W e have also bought tickets to hear the messiah which will be performed just a block away at the united church .Bye for now Jane.

beth bennett said...

We love Christmas concerts and it would be nice to attend one at Morgan's school on the 13.
I am trying to write a few cards to family and friends who are alone.

I am hopeful and will try something new in the New Year.

I will try to try.

Love mom