Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Yes I always worry about my family when they are traveling.  I can remember how worried my mom was when we would start off to drive from Calgary to home.

Monday was such a strange day with a big snow fall early in the morning until noon.  Again my neighbor came and cleaned off the walk and driveway.  His name is Core and we did not really know him until we built the fence together and now he is so very kind and caring towards us.

Leah worked Christmas day driving in the snow all over town to delivering medications to people on drugs.  She has even saved a life with one lady over dosing before she arrived.  Craig is an exceptional dad who walks around with Ophelia while the rest of us our eating.  She does not sleep very much, only having small cat naps.

Tasha also drives a bus in this miserable weather and finds it stressful.

I did not get pictures of the busy people who worked hard in the kitchen.  Kim and Sandra and Randy and Oliver. Kim organizes a game and also organizes everyone except dad and I with jobs to do.  Serving drinks, or serving food, or clearing the table or washing dishes etc.

Oliver also left on the ferry to return home.  He plays in a small group, actually him and two girls, and they are going to be doing the opening numbers when a special band comes there to play.  I love to see and hear him play the big bass.

Life can be a bit more difficult for those of us who are worriers.  I am thankful that I can pray and trust that my loved ones are secure and safe in the holiness of God's unconditional love and they will all be able to cope with the unexpected which may have it's ups and downs.

The Christmas story is about God breaking into the life of Mary, a innocent young girl, with a message of an unexpected pregnancy.  He also can do the same in our lives in small ways.

There have been times in my life when because I am a worrier I feel vulnerable.  I do not always know why or where these feelings of fear or deep longing come from but I feel comforted by the presence of Jesus. 
Dad and I went out to lunch to take our minds off his very sick friend who turned down a visit from dad. He is Don Begg and he worked with dad.  He has shared Christmas with us in the past.  He has no family and now has been told he only has a few months to live.  Very tragic. 


nancy-Lou said...

Worry is something you just can't "shut the switch off. I know exactly what you mean Beth.
I worry about our family travelling too. The highways have been especially challenging the last 6 weeks or so. Now, that I have had to take over all responsibility and learn how to do things Carl used to do, it is worrisome too. But somehow we muddle through and things work out!

The large pileated woodpecker just hit the window...poor fellow. He is the size of a crow. I hope he will be OK. We have a pair, female and male and they mate for life. The male has a large red mustache which identifies him from the female. They almost look prehistoric.

It was nice to read about the Grandchildren and what the do....Tasha driving a bus on those icy roads would be nerve wracking. Good to know Oliver is playing in a band and he plays the bass...that is so neat! I guess the musical talent comes from his Dad....I have 't heard Ron play, but now he does!

We are going to have to drive somewhere as Carl needs something important. Might just go to our pharmacy at the reserve if he carries what Carl needs. I will call him.

So sorry to hear about Larry's friend. It seems this Christmas has brought more bad news that many other Christmas's. One of our neighbours passed away the day before Christmas from COPD. He had such a struggle to breath...poor fellow. Yesterday we learned that one of Carl's cousins's wife was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer...she is in her late 50's. There is nothing they can do for her. Soo sad.

But the good news is.. there is a good year coming..2017 and it is filled with good things for us all! The promise is there.

Are you planning anything special for New Years? We will have our family for roast beef supper. Just a small gathering.

Have a great day
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy The year 2017 holds many promising good things for us all.

New Year's Eve day I go and have another iron infusion. I am very hopeful
for good results of renewed energy.

No plans other than this.

We are celebrating our friends 70 birthday today and they know how to
make a party lively.

Keep up the safe driving.

Love beth

Sandra said...

All my travels have been safe so far. My flight out here was great, nice quiet flight with a good seat, no one beside me. Mary was there to pick me up with the kids. We did the drive to Ottawa yesterday as Mary has been hunting for reasonably priced storage but had not found anything. The kids did well, but did go to bed early as they missed their naps.

We will not be doing a turkey dinner, no one was really keen on it, but instead having a roast tonight.

It is pretty mild here and not much snow around. Randy said we got a huge amount on Monday before it turned to rain late in the day. Everyone was getting stuck. The good thing is he said it has finally got people out shoveling that thought it would just be gone in a week. Obviously we are in for winter this year.