Sunday, December 11, 2016


It was a miserable day cold and wet and yet the parking lot was full. 
A cheerful fire place was at the entrance with wild ducks placed around and a wooden seat to sit there.
At the other end of this entrance was a waterfall with wild life all around.
Around the ceiling where wild life and nature.  Very different.

Christmas decorations too.  Santa too.  There were racks and racks of expensive smart looking clothes.  Dad and I had a quick look and then my fatigue and his sore feet made the decision for us to leave.

Sunday morning I opened the curtains to see the road wet instead of snow covered.  Our driveway looked just great all cleared and shinny.  The birds sea gulls and crows were flying by.

Dad and I were excited to be travelling down town to enjoy a Christmas lunch with Sandra and Randy, Tasha and Justice, Mandy and James.  It is her work party and this is a new way for them to celebrate instead of providing entertainment and games and dancing.

I am sure we will have a very merry time!  !


nancy-Lou said...

Now that is a beautiful the native people for adding in nature to the stores etc....their reverence for nature shines forth! Is this the Tswassen Ferry Landing? They have prime buyers, right there! Good spot. Looks like they will need $$$ though if things are pricy! We haven't been there for years. We used to take the ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo. Thanks for posting the photos and the explanation....nice to see.

I think a classy lunch is a great way to celebrate Christmas with the office staff, Nice too, that you were invited as well. I look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow. Good thing the roads were just wet and not snowy for your travelling into the city.

I am thinking of working on a series of Historical stories accompanied by paintings and perhaps some music.

I have already done a few of them..( not the stories ) but I know the stories from family and friends..just need to write them out. I may ask one of my students to give me a hand with them....she is a very talented painter now and quite articulate in writing.
She has a keen interest in the history of our area as well. It would take many months to accomplish..perhaps years. But we need to start somewhere.

I need to make some phone calls tomorrow and talk to Chey, my art student. I will soon be mentoring her through the Arts Council. A few other local students as well.

Have a great day,

Love Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

One of the stories Carl often talks about is when the aboriginal people used to come and camp here and pick blueberries. they lived here in tents for two months along the lakeshore and he used to go down and play with the kids and eat ducks that were covered in mud ( feathers and all ) and roasted in the fire. Apparently all the feathers peeled off and it was easy to eat the meat! Now, can you picture that as a painting? I think I can!

Oh boy, I had better quit there! I get on a roll and the ideas just keep on rolling.

Stay tuned!

Love, nancy

Sandra said...

It sure seems like the children of today, at least where we live, have less and less to do with nature and the outdoors.

I hope you enjoyed the lunch today, a lot of walking and then decisions to be made on what to eat.

Randy and I did not do much in the city, but I think it is good for us to just get out and do something different. He goes right back to graveyards tonight so good thing he had a bit of a break


Steady-as-rain said...

I'm glad to get your report from the Tsawwassen mall as I doubt I will ever go there. Try and avoid malls these days, wherever they are, but of course interested to see how Tsawwassen First Nation is making out with their settlement lands they got under their land claims.

I've been reluctant to start taking my high blood pressure medicine, much to the doctor's annoyance. I just think the high blood pressure is a symptom rather than a cause, plus I don't want to think of myself as an old geezer who needs high blood pressure medicine. But maybe I think I will likely start taking it in January. My news years resolution.

So nice Carol and Panteli helped with the snow shoveling!

I'm off to Ottawa/Toronto for about a week tomorrow.



beth bennett said...

We are all getting older and yes we have to take pills we do not want to take.

Dad has taken blood pressure pills for years and the doctor wants him to come in for a review. He does not take it every day, although he should.

Traudl has very high blood pressure and now so does Brian so they are both on meds.

They are so different Brian is serious and Traudl always seems the humor in situations.

I have very low blood pressure so if I am normal I probably am high but no one worries about that.

Dad needs to see the doctor this week for his stomach upsets.

Yes, we are all getting older.

Nancy I love your ideas Stories are amazing and art work too Yeh!

Love mom

Anonymous said...

The mall looks great. They showed it here on TV . It opened couple days after I came back to Australia.