Tuesday, December 20, 2016


I enjoyed a walk around the block in the sunshine.  The snow was melting the whole day.

Dad and I drove around doing errands which included delivering a present and taking things to the recycle bin that is at the mall.  I cannot believe that a bag of  presents got in with the recycling bags.  Dad even said was I sure this smaller bag was to go to because it had presents in it.  I thought he was joking as it should not have had presents in it.  How did it get mixed up I do not know.  Am I just forgetful? 

I tell myself it could have been worse.  Presents I did not know I had with me have disappeared.

"Christmas is not just a time or a season but a state of mind to cherish peace and good will and to be plenteous in mercy."   -  Calvin Coolridge.

This applies to me being merciful to myself and remembering to-morrow is a new day.

Christmas is also a time of nostalgia when we remember  past years, a time to remember everyone we have ever loved.  My goal is to express love through my writing and through my family.


nancy-Lou said...

Awe, Beth, don't be so hard on yourself! We all are forgetful and do things we regret! Just the other day, Carl came out of the grocery store and got in a car and a fellow came along and said, I think this is my car! Oh boy! They both had a good laugh. I do have to keep my eye on him....he cannot walk very far and can be forgetful as well.

I am sure you were able to retrieve your package from the re-cycle bin...no harm done!

That is a good quote by Calvin Coolridge. Christmas does seem to be a state of mind, both happy for the majority and depressing for some. I always have someone from our comnunity, who is alone, for Christmas supper...sometimes it is a couple who cannot travel to see their family. One year, we had a fellow who came drunk.....and we mostly laughed along with him...but he was a little too liberal with his kisses. OH dear!

Today a realtor is coming to give us an assessment on our house. We aren't going to sell soon...but will in the future. As long as we have our dogs we will stay here.

Have a great day,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Yes, there are always so many bags around, recycling, garbage presents.

The TV show I was watching once the man told a story. Him and his wife were moving from their basement suit to their first house. As he was unloading the moving truck he kind of laughed at his silly wife for packing up 3 big bags of garbage, which he dropped off at the dump. Some time later she asked him where he put all her bags of purses as she could not find them...oops!

5 more sleeps till Ontario! I should rest up, even though we never really do much when I visit there is just something about being around toddlers all day that sure tires you out.


Anonymous said...

My kids are setting into summer holidays. It should be 36c for Christmas. They are all going to Felica and Pella's house which has a pool and a fantastic patio. I am working Christmas 1200-2130.