Monday, December 19, 2016


I believe every hug I receive is a healing hug!
The happy pair arrive after an amazing visit with Grama Carol and Grandpas Panteli.  The had hot chocolate at McDonald's, went shopping at the new mall on the Ferry road, and to see the Christmas lights at the Garden Center.  The name slips my mind right now.

After a short visit Carol and Panteli leave and the children and I leave for the park.  It is snowing lightly.
Ben kicks his soccer ball all the way there and back.  Morgan and I walk carefully and she carries the decorations.

The children are good sports.  Ben hangs them on the taller branches.  We return home and have cookies.  Mikie arrives to take them home before we make the grilled cheese sandwiches.  No one leaves without a big hug for grandpa and me!

Carol says my eyes look brighter and my spirits feel brighter after reminding myself it is not going to immediately make me want to run a marathon,  Children bring such amazing life with them.  Morgan is so proud of the presents she has bought.  I am definitely living with renewed hope and happiness.

"A hug delights and warms and charms
that must be why God gave us arms."  - unknown

I read scripture with deeper faith and awareness of the hugs from heaven.

For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds."  Jeremiah 10:17

We are all huggable.

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

I am a hugger and enjoy getting hugs too! How wonderful Ben and Morgan came and went to the park to hang decorations on the tree with you! It looks very festive and aren't the kids growing up quickly? Don't forget to take the decorations off in a few weeks.

Great news to hear that Carol noticed you brighter eyes and spirits....the meds must be working! I think by Christmas Day you will be all set for a big party. Better get your dancing shoes ready!

There was no root canal today! The dentist was laughing at me when I said. YAY, I got a reprieve! ACtually he didn't have the time to do it today. Just took xrays and it showed the abscess is still large, but it is a ticking time bomb. So I get the root canal on Jnauary 10th and have a prescription for anitbiotics if I need them over the holidays.

There is a large Co-op grocery store there and it carries a lot of different things, that farmers would like. It is fun to look around there. Beausejour is surrounded by farms.

I cannot believe all the snow you have at the and for how long now? Must be a couple of weeks? What are your bets for a white Christmas? I know for sure we will be having one.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy