Wednesday, December 28, 2016


The Christmas story is one of divine intervention of a Higher Power, who I call God.
I do not know what he looks like but when I think of Him or Her I think of movement and energy but also emotions of joy and compassion.  Any time I have been aware of energy that has come out of no where I look back and I feel a joy with the awareness of how I have been carried by faith.

There have been times in my life when it seems like a door has been slammed closed and my feelings have been of hopelessness.  The amazing thing is I am forced to look within myself to be open to new greater possibilities.

Divine intervention is a personal encounter with grace revealed in the life of Jesus.  Healing thoughts are helpful and inspiring coming from past experiences and knowledge that my life has meaning and purpose.

Divine intervention is not forced upon us but more often waits to be discovered!

Time to listen for the song of the angels and be thankful that God is with me.

"Awareness leads to trust"  -James Martins

This does not mean that I cannot have questions but like Mary I wonder how can this be?

"A healthy sense of self-worth, self esteem, and self interest are all traits of an emotionally healthy stable and balanced and generous individual."  -Steve Chalke

On a lighter note it did not take dad long to realize I was not a good person to pick out our Christmas tree.  Wow I could pick out the most strange looking ones every time. 

This year I just brought a few branches in and ended up with a multitude of needles to be cleaned up.

  Thankfully dad helped with the vacuuming.

Today we attend our friend Pat's 70 birthday and it is a celebration of a long friendship.
Both our lives have been touched by her honesty and her faithfulness!


nancy-Lou said...

Divine Intervention....well I don't think I have ever been blessed with a personal Divine Intervention, but I do know someone who has been. She was miraculously cured of stage 4 cancer through prayer.

Christmas Trees that are all wrapped up at tree lots in the cities are very difficult to choose from. I don't blame you Beth, for not being a good "picker". When you live in the country you just walk a little ways from your home and find a nice tree, growing in the bush. We stopped cutting them because it hurt us to kill a tree so we bought an artificial and these days I don't bother to put it up. I have some nice door hangers and a lovely artificial poinsettia that is white, a VV find! I have had it for years, and always receive compliments.

I hope you and Larry had lots of fun at the 70th birthday party today,


Sandra said...

Are you in need of intervention right now? Day two and more shopping, this time bringing home a couch and chair which lead to a lot of rearranging and changing of other furniture of the house. Working on a gingerbread house tonight an putting together a book shelf we bought at Ikea yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Very hot and humid here. We are expecting flooding rain tonight or tomorrow morning!!! Melina is working to 1am tonight then the weekend off. She works Monday the has two weeks off.i may take the kids to a movie tonight, eat out and get some air conditioning!!!
Jasmine had a breakdown it was so hot in the house yesterday. I got them to go outside and have a water fight,that cooled her down and she was fine for the rest of the got up to 39c yesterday afternoon. Jasmine is getting her ears pierced tomorrow after 4 years of bugging me to get um done.

beth bennett said...

That is too hot Ken.
Good job you were able to cool them down.
A movie sounds like a good idea.
Love mom