Monday, December 12, 2016


It snowed all night and the evergreen branches were weighed down with heavy snow.

It turned out to be an amazing day as we experienced many acts of loving kindness.  First thing our neighbor Kelly brought the paper to our door as the paper girl just throws it out the passenger window.  Then we heard the sound of snow shoveling and her son was shoveling off our driveway and the sidewalk in front of our house. 

Our neighbor from the other side finished off by doing the sidewalk on the other side.

Todd our neighbor heard our water running and came over to fix it.  I feel like we are surrounded by loving kindness.

Glen, Cathy's husband, phoned to see if we needed help shoveling or going to get groceries.  Dad had just driven over to get bird seed and some bread for me and pumpkin pie for him.

Ben also phoned and said they were coming to Carol and Panteli's on Sat. and would help us decorate especially putting out door lights out.  I would love it if Morgan and I can decorate the tree at the park again.

How beautiful a day can be when the world turns into a winter wonderland and our hearts our touched with loving kindness.

Tomorrow dad and I drive to Chilliwack to attend Morgan singing in her Christmas concert.

"Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients for a Merry Christmas." -Peg


Sandra said...

You are so fortunate to have so many people taking care of you.

It will be another slippery walk for Peanut and I this morning after the freeze last night.


nancy-Lou said... truly are blessed! I see lonely old folks who have no one to care for one to help out when it is needed. Family are so important to us and the Bennett family are wonderful. YOu will have fun with Ben and the family on Saturday.

How is Ben adjusting to living with his Grandpa and going to a different school?

Kindness was shown by your neighbours as well. Good for them lending a helping hand. Teaching their children to help others too.

The cold and snow just keep on coming to Vancouver and the Island. I feel sorry for you because you aren't prepared for it.
A friend of mine who lives nearby just parcelled up her long down coat and mailed it out to a friend who lives on the Island. She was freezing and had no winter coat. She is low income. Such a kind and thoughtful thing to do. My friend had two long coats.

Our sons are both working outdoors in this cold. They work for different companies. Often they have some inside work to do, during the winter, but not this winter. One has three new homes to build and they just have the floors done so far. The other is working on an addition.

They usually have a burning barrel that helps them stay warm. They dress in many layers..but the hands, feet and especially the face can get frost bite. It was -25 at dawn and with the wind chill it was -34. Not warming up much either.

I haven't seen posts from Jane lately. I am hoping that everything is Ok with her and her husband. I keep them in my prayers as well.

Alzheimers is such a debilitating disease and so hard on the care givers. I watched dear friends go through it and it was terrifying towards the end....when the husband totally changed.
He was a United Church minister and a gentle, kind and people loving person, but he became violent. Poor Barb, his wife...she was an angel through it all.
Often that doesn't happen, but in this case it did. He loved to golf and could golf almost right up to when he had to go to a home. really careful on those slippery walks...maybe you need those clip on crap-ons for your shoes....Lucy too!

I wish you a super great day, Beth and Larry...just stay in and hibernate!

Love, Nancy